Henry-Theodore: Elden-Jr.   recorded documents at the Kanawha County Courthouse 11 June 2015 (and before)

This notice and these documents are available for the public to read, review, or print.

Declarations and Lawful Protest 10 Ju'15,     note at the end, it says:

Henry-Theodore: Elden, Jr. prepared notices, asseverations, affidavits and or writings that are:  publicly recorded;

- at the Kanawha County Courthouse, and the U.S. District Court- Southern District of West Virginia, and

- at West Virginia Secretary of State's Uniform Commercial Code Office, and published notices  in Charleston newspapers, and on the internet, and posted notices;

- at the Kanawha County Courthouse,     - at the Charleston post offices, and

- on the land and property of  Henry-Theodore: Elden, Jr. and mailed or served directly to people.

All of these writings are hereby restated in their entirety, and incorporated herein, as if set forth in full. 
The actual scanned pages may be found at articles\LawfulProtest.htm 

Note :Henry-Theodore: Elden-Jr. has protected his name, property and right in public notices & filings,

running a lawful notice in Charleston newspapers, 3 times in July, 2015

Lawful-Traveler-Supreme-Court-Rulings-Case Law  Courts upholds that we all have the right to travel without license nor ID. nor checks stops.

Color of Law- Sovereignty Intl    Proofs of their unlawful activities.   
Public Servant Questionnaire 
All who work against me, police, judge, attorney must divulge their information.

Reservation of Rights  (recorded at Kan. Co. Court & served to the federal court chief justice/ clerk.) This guarantees: - I have a trial by jury, - no statues of law are applied against me, - only a Common Law court of record can try me.  All documents given to me must be signed and sealed by a Common Law Court. 

They are breaking many of these rules.  They are acting as if (they are) a private for profit, foreign owned, corporation as they are listed on the Dunn & Bradstreet business index.  They breach their oaths when they so act, avoiding their requirements under the state and federal constitution.

Knowledge was controlled by some, to be suppressed, to let them rule over other people.

Today, as the book of Daniel foretold, knowledge increases. 
People who use the internet can see a much broader vision of knowledge, law, definitions, court case then those who rely on popular sources and current authorities.

Law is information applied with reason to conclusion, it's a point of view.

We all aspire to do right, not hurt others and to behave according to applicable laws.

How should we know what is right, acceptable and lawful behavior ?  Study law !

This is a collection of research and actions to secure status and standing as a freeman on the land.

Here within learn that we have many inalienable rights (which cannot be taken away) including the Right to Travel.

Travel means to move about on foot, or motor cycle, or car. etc. 
means to be engaged in a commercial activity, for hire or for profit, to haul people or cargo for hire.

We, courts and juries, make decisions by what we know and believe. 

As we expand our consciousness, we expand our options.

Here are facts, histories, court cases that show a sound, lawful path to support our free Right to Travel.

Any may refute these with fact, evidence and law within 30 days of their receiving these or similar writings.

After that period, if they: - make no response, or - are incomplete, or - inaccurate,
they default to accept these as being true forever in this matter.

The Kanawha County Magistrate court is calling for a defendant to answer to certain driving charges.

They did not correctly identify nor shown lawful jurisdiction over a known person, address, location and subject matter.  Despite their errors, they continue to advance and presume their actions are legal.  Doing so, they show disregard for due process, jurisdiction, and force beyond reason as they try to force jurisdiction and a claim on a living man, to which they have never shown any nexus, only presumption.

A letter or notice may be mailed to some people .  It will ask them to get involved to protect the God given and constitutional rights, liberty, property of a living man.  US Code and case law specifically requires that those in our government be involved to protect our rights, liberties and property.  Should they not do that, then they are guilty of failing in their duty, they are in breach of their oath of office to protect and uphold the constitution.  Anyone who would: - call himself or - act, or - take compensation for a "government" position, whether he is a government employee or a private person or working for a private corporation, they are all bound by the constitutional oath to uphold the constitution, or else they are engaged in treason, working against the constitution and the People of the Constitution.

What is commonly believed and often told by "governments", news media, schools and other sources may be a superficial or deceptive explanation of more fundamental laws.  The US Code is based on earlier writings like the - Magna Carta, - the Declaration of Independence, - the U.S. Constitution, etc.  Any layman may study law and history to find what is commonly on going in courts today, and the practice of B.A.R. attorneys, who are loyal to the crown, is that they avoid many defenses available to us, the People of the Constitutions.  If you engage an attorney, you surrender many of your basic rights.

In the end, the courts need to take judicial notice of basic facts about living wo/men which separate them from many presumptions that the court would otherwise to apply.

Here are some basic concepts explained within.  From the Constitution and from God each of us in America has many inalienable rights, until, possibly by fraud or deception, we unknowingly surrender certain rights.

Jurisdiction means having authority over.  Many people, authorities, courts, attorney presume to have authority or jurisdiction over many people.  Their presumption is not fact nor durable.  Should you just raise the issue, then they have to prove on the record that they have jurisdiction over the - person, - the law or code, - the place of the event or territory, - the subject matter.  Is not most of America owned by the people and or owned by the original United States of America, and not owned by the "UNITED STATES" the corporation formed 21 February, 1871.  That United States does not have jurisdiction of the land or people of the United States of America.  Ed Rivera explains this better at  www.OrganicLaws.org

The Declaration of Independence says that We, the People, are subject to be governed by our consent. When we stop consenting, then lawful government or control over us ceases.  We can quit consenting when we sense: - fraud, - coercion, - force or threat.

If someone thinks they have control over you from a contract that you innocently or unwittingly signed, you may contest that.  A lawful contract needs to meet certain criteria like: - being signed by 2 or more authorized parties, - be an equal exchange of value, - be fully disclosed, - be done without any semblance of fraud, deception, or force, - be in writing.

When some one tells me to sign something when I don't have the option to refuse and or walk away, then they are forcing me to sign.  Any who holds a natural right, like your freedom to liberty or your right to keep property in jeopardy, they are  causing you to do something, or concede to something, that is done under force and void any contract from it's beginning.

The government cannot take a natural right, like Right to Travel, and license it and charge a fee for it.  If they do, then you may engage in that right with impunity, without threat of suffering any punishment.

As you understand and use the constitution and derivative law from it, it forms a durable defense against those who would usurp your rights.

If "authorities" have put forth an artificial government, which is really comprised of private, for profit, foreign owned corporations, they are all still accountable to our fundament laws and our constitution.  Their trickery to gain control over us is by fraud, by deception.  There is no statues of limitation on fraud.

A legal notice is be placed in the Charleston newspapers saying simply:

Henry-Theodore: Elden-Jr.. secured rights, property & defenses in publicly recorded documents at Kanawha Co. Courthouse. View at www.abodia.com/docs  Learn your rights - see Ted in court 344 2335 T@abodia.com 

            (ad as legal notice will run for 3 weeks, on Saturday Aug. 1, then Wednesday Aug. 5, then Monday Aug. 10.)

Caution:  Should anyone who tries to engage or talk with you, and you think they might be of or are acting as if they represent the government, you should ask them where they have their oath of office recorded.  Whether they have it recorded or not, their acting as a government officer obligates them to their oath.  That is your first question. If they give a satisfactory answer, then you might ask them to demonstrate, to talk about what the U.S. Constitution (circa 1787) actually says, and their obligation to it.

At any time, you are not getting satisfactory, intelligence understanding answers, you have the right to refrain from any further discussion or entanglement as you cannot be certainly that they have lawful knowledge or authority.  Simply say that you do not consent then endure what ever follows. You do not have to physically resist. Once you have told them you do not consent, then everything they do after that is a crime.  You must gain the upper hand at the beginning.  You must ask them about their oath before any other conversation begins, or you are willingly yielding to their jurisdiction (in their thinking) then they can discard all your rights, under their pretense that you are consenting.

You can only preserve rights you know about and act to preserve.  Everyone else; police, magistrates, attorneys, judges, courts, they all seek to rule over you, which they can only do when they think you have said, or made gesture to yield your rights.  Once they gain jurisdiction over you, you have lost or yielded your primary, God given defenses.

For those who choose to:        read, think, type (ask internet questions),    a new world of freedom awaits.

www.ThoughtPrint.org    is my simple way to find, confirm and know things beyond what is commonly circulated.

These diverse web sites will take you to a deeper and broader understanding of law and hidden truths kept from the popular public world.  www.abodia.com/t


Comment:  The local "authorities" have twice seized my automobile, and put me in jail two or more times.  They have no evidence that they have any jurisdiction over me. They are yet to show me any proof, nor to show me any lawful document (arrest warrants, warrant to search and seize my property signed and sealed by a court.) They do not understand what their oath of office means (They did or accept they must uphold he constitutions to protect the people from the government taking their rights). They think that they will not be punished for their open crimes.  They don't even realize they are doing crimes because most people will not look at what law says.

Attorneys cannot help us, we the people, because attorneys make their money by pretending that whatever the court does (even when the court does illegal things) the attorneys say that is OK. An attorney cannot represent real people's right, the attorney is pledged to accept whatever the court says.  They have no loyalty to real law.  They just do what the court says.

Laws are either written or they are not laws. Even written laws need a process to be created & publicly accepted.  When laws are flawed in their creation or their operation, then they cease to be laws.  Their laws are not even real laws, nor on we the people.  Their laws are just US Codes, a private set of rules for B.A. R. attorneys only.  They only apply to people who do not understand law and who think they have authority or power.  Truth is very different, but you have to study it to grasp truth.

Jesus Christ warned us:    The truth will make you free.  John 8:32

The U.S. Constitution circa 1787 is the supreme law of the land (over USA). Anything that conflicts with U.S. Constitution is NOT a law, has no power, is meaningless.

Everything on this or linked web sites is my belief.  I cannot be faulted for my belief.  Anyone who follows these ideas should be able to determine they are real & true.