-hp- Truth Seekers - - the Claim ... www.abodia.com/t  4 July /2013
Wake Up - Truth Surround us. Research by Ted Elden, Public Speaker, Architect, ret. computer guru

The world is very different then main steam news and government tells us.


NOTICE to anyone in any corporation, bank or government agency or related !


Notice to anyone involved in any corporation.

6 May 2014

Notice to the agent is notice to the principal.

Notice to the principal is notice to the agent.


To all people & organizations who receive this, you are part of a corporation(s), linked to other, higher corporations. The Pope has been tried in International Tribune of Court of Crimes of Church and State, found guilty of huge crimes and through judgments, his assets are to be returned to the People.

Your title and or organization is linked (or through other corporations) to the Pope's foreclosed corporations.

The One People's Public Trust also established in law, that all corporations, banks and governments, registered in the District of Columbia are bankrupt and defunct.  Therefore activities with any of those corporations (with private people) is null and void.

Since the head has been defeated, all the subsidiaries are also defeated. I am not a corporation, nor do I accept any liability, or obligation to any similarly named or any corporation or any contract which I do not willingly enter, of my own free will, with full knowledge and disclosure and bound by the signature or autograph, accepting fully liability, of two or more people.

You & your organization and associates have no authority over this living man.

I caution you to learn important truths that effect your "authority" and particularly your involvement with me, the private, living man.

To help you understand current court resolutions, I built web sites and focused information for your ready understanding.

www.ThoughtPrint.org is a way anyone, who can read and think, can find and confirm information.

See these links: www.abodia.com/itccs  www.abodia.com/oppt

From those web sites, get an overview and learn more. You can always find or link to source documents & web sites. My site is to simplify things for your quick understanding.

My fee schedule and prices can be viewed from the web sites listed above and or found at the Kanawha County Court records.

Do not in any way call, write or involve me in anything, unless I specifically contact you first. Any other involvement of me is subjects you to my published fees.

For a $ 100 cash donation by mail, to this listed temporary mailing location, I will try to print and send approx. 30+ pages of documents here referenced for your further study, although they are free to view or print or references for everyone from the web.

Furthermore, any one who has already trespassed on my name, or my estate or in any way been involved in actions against me, tender immediately a cash offer to be paid for damages already caused to avoid  formal charges against you for the damage you have done to me, the living man, to my property and or rights, to my safety & sanity, and or against my estate.

The world is changing quickly. I stand in truth.

My writing are my own. Always refer to the source documents or organizations for the most complete, accurate and current information.  I make no guarantee of any thing that I do, show or offer. This information is for educational purposes only.


            This is a temporary mailing location.

            Any variation will be Returned to Sender.



c/o 1331 MacCorkle Avenue SE

Charleston, West Virginia                          (use No zip, & no WV !)


all rights reserved,


my hand printed autograph:


:Henry-Theodore: Elden-Jr..