-hp- Truth Seekers -   - the Quest Topics ... www.abodia.com/t
Wake Up - Truth Surround us.                                   research by Ted Elden, Public Speaker, Architect, ret. computer guru

Our world & our actions are based on what we know.   Why not consider the Truth ?

Audio Tracks - Truth Seekers

Don't Cry for Me Argentina - Powerpoint: audio/argentina1-1.pps What is happening in socialist America.

20 Oct - cookie - be free ! 3 hrs.

How to Be a Sovereign & Benefits

Call Sept 23, 2016, 5 hrs. amr -29 Mb,       mp3 - 143 Mb

Charleston - Top O Rock 6 July 2010        Beckley 27 June 2010

Contact:            - - - > index    or top

 Truth Seekers .. the Quest   at Top O Rock,  www.abodia.com/t
Ted Elden, Charleston, West Virginia     a @ abodia.com     304 344 2335

Learn of our weekly Thursday Conference calls.  www.abodia.com/t/call

Awakening to Truth has startled me and become my priority over everything

  Help us Wake Up America !

Index Your Files video outline

- Get program from www.IndexYourFiles.com

Install it.

Choose any folder or your whole hard drive to index.

Run the index - make the index.

Then use any search criteria

a word or words that are in your file name  and or file type like doc, or jpg

a word that is inside of that file, like 1871, Act, Congress, ...

a date range, like last 3 months, or last year.

Click search

See the list of possible files.

Click on any file and see it previewed in the far right window.

Use menu in the bottom or right click to copy, cut and or properties to rename.

If you got a disc or files from me, why not make a folder on your computer, like

Files or Law          and copy everything from the disc to your hard dive, or thumb drive.

They you can find files faster, edit, change, move, rename the files.