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Thought Print – a Search Method - Find Information

Search for a "quoted phrase" to find specific information quickly.

ThoughtPrint- Intro - Introduction

War of Words - Search Ideas- elites, bankers control news

How and Why This Works

Congressman Callaway shows banks bought control of newspapers, 1917.

Message from webmaster: Ted of Elden © family

Any teenager (or older) who can read, think, and ask internet questions:
can find, confirm and know the deeper truth. Truth is not hidden.
My book, A New Reality, (pdf
$ 2 donation) tells more - but this site alone gives you the method.

I'm retired architect, photographer, computer guru, researcher, importer, writer.
I studied 9-11 for 1,500+ hours to see great intentional deception in media and gov. reports.

I'm good with writing, logic, words, concepts, math, language, computers & the internet..

Thought Print - Learn this method to find truth.

I have devised a very simple way that people can quickly and easily
see deep truths that are intentional hidden from the public by:
- news, - government, - education, - corporations and more.

They're hidden so controlling elites increase their profit and control by keeping us
- distracted, - stressed, - overworked and - underpaid.

When you finally see the suppressed truths,
then choose if you want to continue to live in the dark world of the unknown,
assuming that life is just happen stance, unfortunate coincidences or
learn that others (elites) are trying to control our world.

When you are ready to deal with the truth,
you can find many ways to improve your life and quit aiding and abetting
those in power who pretend to help while stealing your: - health, - wealth, - freedom, and - rights.

I've built a library of 1,500 or more of each of these:
- DVD documentaries on money, taxes, war, drugs, government, law, history, & more
- books (many from & articles & web site links, and audio files.

- I have personally written over 1,000 pages of introductions to these subjects on my many web sites.

Go to Truth Seekers  or

and then the links below will work. They

Here are some: Research 

IRS Revealed See why & how 67 million Americans don't file or pay income tax.


Hidden things easily revealed and understood when you just look closely at them.
Why is your name always written in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS ?

Why do addresses have 2 letter states OH, WV, CA, NY instead of Ohio,  West Virginia, .. ?

On  a business check, below the line you sing are these words:

On every personal check in America are those words: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE printed below line you sing 
It is written many times in tiny print.


It takes a large magnifier to check this one.

We are intentionally distracted and kept from fundamental truths.

The Truth will make you free.  John 8:32

Read on - as you Awaken !

When you learn and apply the Thought Print © method of internet research,
you can quickly find and confirm things that most will never even consider.

When you are curious, you can step away from the great illusions & myths to new freedom.

You should not be bound by what your friends and associates say or think.

You should be free to discover and stand on Truth.

Once you see how easily this is done, I hope you pursue this.


The lies are prevalent in all fields; medicine, money, taxes, law, history, war and more.


Here are other fun places to see the truth:

Curious Truths

Heir to Proctor & Gamble explains in Thrive movie
why most people on planet are struggling and suffering
when we all should be enjoying great abundance. or

Change on Horizon by James Rink- search on You Tube

Learn of 100s of years of deception thru laws to steal our rights, wealth, health & more.

Who you know                            What you know

determines                                    determines

What you know.                            Who you know.

The more that you do know,     the more that you can learn.

When you follow a subject, you can find the truth, often thru the writings, research of people.

When you find truth speakers, they will often lead you to new truths, not formerly considered.

12 years of research since 2005, hidden truths revealed
and solutions to live in America.