Religious Exemption - discussion by Jason, Michigan
16 Sept. 7 pm EST conference call 712 775 7085 enter 879 599 # This page.
more here: exemption-forms
other parts on this page:
Religion as recognized by EEOC
Other linked pages:
Letter of Religious Exemption by Affidavit
Vaccine Exemption Guide by Mat Staver Video
Fight the Mandates, law firms who can help
Religious exemptions on vaccines - mandates discussion
Robert Fox files - Lawful actions
Discussion tonight about religious exemptions on vaccines and employer mandates on vaccines.
Employers are denying religious exemptions, asking employees to send a letter of resignation if they don't want the vaccine, and some people who have already been fired received letters of "voluntary termination"
If you don't vaccinate you may already understand your religion and why you are exempt, but for many this concept may be new.
Tonight we are going to talk about knowing how religious exemption applies to you. Why it is important to know how religious exemption applies to you.
We will talk about how to deal with your employers who are refusing these exemptions and how to conditionally-accept their offer to vaccinate
It's surprisingly a deep topic, and we are going to cover a lot. There will be open discussion, and lots to share as many have gone through unique situations.
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This discussion came about because of seeing all the unique situations that have been occurring between people and their jobs. It is quite alarming. I had talked to Ted about this and he told me I could put together a group call on this. Ted puts on group calls like this every week and the topics can vary but the purpose is for people to privately share information with each other that may be helpful.
The simple answer to all the problems going on, is that we are instructed to “do no harm” to ourselves or anyone else. And that message is pretty broad across the board from religious beliefs, spiritual beliefs, and ethical and moral beliefs. If you weren't scared about what could happen to you if you got this vaccine, you wouldn't be doing all you can to avoid getting it. That is the simple answer, and we are going to go more indepth into this, and then open this topic up for group discussion, so please try to write down your questions.
Going forward I must disclose that I am Not an expert and I am not giving any legal advise. The legal system is a proprietary systematic interpretation of law, so I am not able to comment on that and nothing should be construed as legal advise.
And if you are new to this kind of knowledge, you might want to consider that what is legal is not always lawful and what is lawful may not always be legal. It is completely lawful to catch fish, but under the legal system you could get in trouble for not having a fishing license.
Legal can feel like colorful law, much like how the devil mis-read scripture in a colorful way to change it's intent and meaning. The point being that justice is not always easy to get within the legal system, so you really need to know what your rights are, you need to know how they were violated, you need to know why they weren't supposed to be violated, etc.
To put it even simpler you need to know exactly why you don't want to get the vaccine and what your objections are to it. If you don't know exactly, hopefully this discussion will help you look deep within to find it
[Introduction:] ^ - top of page
I have been religiously exempt for over a decade. Based on that statement you might draw a conclusion to the phrase “anti-vaxxer.”
There is a lot of negativity towards people who are labeled as anti-vaxxers, but in reality these people are fine if you want to get the vaccine, they are fine with improving the technology, and at one point they likely did get vaccines until some event occurred that made them stop. What people who are labeled as anti-vaxxers (or more properly ex-vaxxers) are actually fighting for is freedom of choice, which is what we all are here for today.
As far as vaccines go, the technology is interesting - but the safety measures have been questionable at best. When these vaccines get approved there are always known bad side effects that occur to people. The pamphlets that the doctors will give you lists possible side effects for compliance of full-disclosure, and many of these potential side effects are far worse than getting the actual virus. The question always is, no matter how rare the chances, are you going to be a statistic. And that is the shared concern that we all have on this discussion.
At this point you are dealing with the situations that someone labeled an anti-vaxxer has dealt with because you are likely in a situation where you are being told this new vaccine is “safe” and that side effects are “rare” and that you need to get this vaccine for “other people's vaccines to work” I bring this all up because this is all nothing new and "we - are - here - again – now" and it is now a shared experience between those who may be completely pro-vaxx and have concerns about this particular vaxx, and those who have been ex-vaxxers.
The survival rate of co is over 99% and there are at least half a million people who have had Adverse reactions to the vaccine, and these are the Adverse reactions which were reported to vaers. Remember I said adverse. And it is important to note that only a percentage of actual reactions are reported.
Any side effect, such as feeling like you are sick is a reaction. Everyone I know that got the shot has experienced something afterwards from mildly sick to vertigo for weeks to blood clots. I even know of someone who has had continuous cycles of feeling like they have the cornavirus for months after getting the vaccine. It is scary and sad.
The people who got the vaccine did it because they felt in their heart like it was the right thing to do. They trusted their doctors or the media or whomever claimed it was safe. And it is sad when you hear of these people who you know that are going through these side effects.
If you are upset because employers are mandating this vaccine, it is less likely because you just don't like shots, and is more likely because you are fearful for your well being.
We all were born with a moral compass, and no matter what our religion is, our spiritual beliefs are guided by that moral compass and is unique irregardless of what religion we follow. In reality religion is the teachings of spirituality, and spirituality actually comes from within.
Because religion is taught through man, and man is naturally flawed you have to be seeking within for answers, praying, and taking responsibility for yourself for how things are to be interpreted.
I was at a church many years ago where the Pastor was talking about Rome on the land of Israel and then talked about respecting authority in the same sermon and that seemed very contradictory. Especially when it seems clear that there is only one supreme authority and that is God.
Being asked to do something against your will and threatening you to actually do it is coercion.
So what do you do about it?
The first thing is you need to know your reasoning behind your objection to vaccines or just this vaccine.
Is your objection to just the covid vaccine or is it to more vaccines? Is it just vaccines that have the rna technology? Or just vaccines that use fetal tissue? Or is it also vaccines that contain animal tissue?
Is it just vaccines that have known toxins in them? Or is it just vaccines that cause an immun-response and reaction to the vaccine?
Is it all of the above?
Knowing why you object to vaccines is extremely important because you need to know where you stand and what your reasoning is. You may be questioned about your stance. The covid vaccines apply to nearly all, if not all, of those listed concerns.
If you seek a religious exemption and state your object to all of the aforementioned concerns and get a flu shot, then you really just negated your stance. And if you plan on getting a flu shot, maybe your concern is just the lack of long term testing and the massive amount of side effects in a short time. And a lack of long term testing can still apply to “do no harm” but it is up to you to be able to explain that you are beyond scared to get the vaccine right now.
If you know your reasoning and are going for a religious exemption, it cannot be denied because it is your right to have unique religious and spiritual beliefs, and those can be unique...but they must be sincere.
These beliefs can be as simple as:
'do no harm to oneself' and forcing an immuno reaction is doing harm, or injecting toxins is doing harm
'You are anti-abortion' and all these vaccines used fetal cells at one point or another
'Rna tech' can alter your dna which ruins the 'made in gods image' (also goes with do no harm)
Personally, I go deeper:
One can only serve ONE master. You were born with free will granted by the Creator of All whom we casually call God.
We are forbidden from serving false idols
So when we are presented with two choices: use our free will and follow our guidance through our hearts and not do harm to ourselves, not support dna altering tech, or abortions
Or do we serve our job, who could fire us at any point really?
We can't serve both. And for me that is the Bigger reason why I can't. I feel deep within that Complying is against God because it will just lead to more intense clamp down on everyones rights, and far more duress situations for everyone. All of the other reasons I stated do apply too, do no harm, anti-abortion, but I feel that I am betraying God, myself, and everyone else by complying. Eventually according to revelations there will be a point in time when a major trespass on peoples rights will occur, when nobody will be able to work or buy goods or do anything unless they submit. It's harmonious to what we are going through now.
I am not here to judge anyone about their religion, mine says to love everyone. And to help you, just remember that all of this can apply to any religion and if I am ignorant to one which it won't my apologies. Just maybe mention it in discussion and we can try to figure it out.
Now that we talked about how if you can figure out how this applies to your relgious and spiritual beliefs, you should be able to claim a religious exempt, now the actual hard part - dealing with the resistance.
Let me first say that there is a saying that for those who have religion there is the first amendment, and for everyone else, there are the rest of the laws...
The first amendment comes first in a natural way because nothing else can trump your religions laws. Mans laws are secondary to your religions laws. Sure you gotta prove it if you want to challenge it, but that is where we are at.
A few years ago people all over the World protested against Senator Pan and California removing religious exemptions from schools. I participated in that protest because I understood how important this kind of exemption was and how unjust it was for them to try and trespass against it. Mothers had stormed the state capital and were yelling down the halls.
Despite all that protesting, the governor approved it and they are now one of the worst states to be in.
Now the question is: Has anyone actually done anything about it yet? I don't know, I Haven't heard anything.
But that is why this is very important. And there two points to be made out of this story:
First, Protesting is nothing more than whining and complaining. It can show a strength in numbers, but it also has backfired much like the protests at the Capital earlier this year and even many lock down protests last year. Government doesn't change their mind based off of complaining alone. And those who show up can get mixed up in a chaotic mess.
The second and even more important is that most people's reaction is to hold Government accountable, or with the employers firing or planning to fire people over not vaccinating the reaction is to sue these businesses. The problem is, that unless you know exactly what your rights are, how they were violated, etc (which is what we were talking about), then you are going to have a harder time proving it. From everything I have seen over the years is that the Court system does not automatically give you justice because you have a complaint. You have to prove that you are right. So it is probably more dangerous to take a hollow case to court that has no evidence than a strong case, because if you lose, then you could end up giving more power to the opposing argument, just because a ruling was made out-of-favor. So when we talk about our individual rights, verses an employer discriminating against those rights, we want to make sure we do our due diligence.
Right now it seems the Government is relying on businesses to mandate these vaccines, and if I was to guess it is probably because it is easier to keep us divided when we work for different places, than if the Government was to mandate them on their own. The game is always divide and conquer.
Businesses have been denying religious exemptions, sending letters of voluntary termination (making an inference that someone quit), and asking people who won't get the shot to write a letter of resignation.
All of this is obviously wrong.
A concept you might want to comprehend is honor and dishonor.
If your employer sends you a letter saying you voluntarily were terminated. By them implying you voluntarily left, your employer is making themselves look honorable. If you voluntarily left, how can they be held accountable for discrimination?
After you get that letter, if you don't dispute it, you have now accepted what they said and let them those words that they put in your mouth.
To dispute such a claim all you need to do is write a letter and state that you weren't voluntarily terminated. You can include any other facts in that letter. In doing so you now objected to their letter and have corrected the record. I like to do things as an affidavit that states the facts under penalty of perjury and send these out with some sort of proof of mailing or even a witness that can testify to the contents of the mailing. I even ask for them to write me back within 30 days if anything in my affidavit is incorrect, which helps to solidify that my affidavit is correct. That is a great tip I learned from the late Robert Fox.
Doing these kinds of things helps to set up a record of events. This record can be used to reflect how dishonorable your employer acted as they tried to coerce you into violating your rights, put you under duress, and possibly termination.
Through all the steps of interacting with your employer you need a good record and the ability to verify important facts, whether you send items with tracking or personally delivery...
Through the process every success, roadblock, you will want to keep record to all the important details. Get the names of who you talk to, the day and the time. Approximations are likely acceptable, but the better you do this, the better off you are.
You can also write an affidavit about the events as they happen, and send it to your employer or just keep it for yourself as a way of generating a record. Doing things like this can be helpful if you ever have to remember details later. However if you do ever go to court, you will have to likely testify to any facts you present, so just make sure to keep things to the point and simple enough in your record keeping. (and also remember this is not legal advice, this is all about record keeping here, talk to a lawyer if you want legal advise)
Also, even more important is to STAY HONORABLE. Here is that word again. If someone is giving you a hard time, be the better individual. Smile, be polite, and be the best you can be. If you do dishonorable things, you start giving your employer or whomever you are dealing with things to use against you. If you quit your job, walk out unexpectedly, call off a lot, are unreliable, all those things can be used against you.
In the case that your employer requests a letter of resignation for not getting the vaccince. Obviously you should never resign, unless that is your will to do. Instead of not responding, I would go about writing them a letter telling them how much I love my job, never want to quit, and how much of a great service I have been to the employer and customers. I would personally slip in there how it is a “shock of the conscious” to get the vaccine, and how I just can't do that, but I still will continue to be a reliable worker to them.
That sounds energetic and honorable doesn't it? It probably won't change their policy but at least you showed them how honorable you are.
Before we move on to the last bit, let's talk about something i just said:
Shock of the conscious – is something grossly unjust to the observer.
Those words have strong meaning in law, but all words strong or not still have to be proven. Really when I use words like “shock of the conscious” I am using them to express how I feel, irregardless of what the law says but it also shows the reader that I have some comprehension of how to express it, if they are privy to the terms.
Under Duress – simply means deprived of your free will under threat.
And this is what we are going through. Unfortunately you can't undo taking a vaccine under duress because once it is done, it is done. BUT, losing your job while you are under duress can be undone – all you have to do is get your job back.
Coercion – is persuading someone with threat, or simply putting someone under duress to get them to do something.
All these terms apply to what is going on in our lives, and you probably want to remember them so you can use them to strongly make your points verbally and explicitly in writing. Speaking of writing we now move on to the last part: Conditional Acceptances.
Conditional-acceptances ^ - top of page
If you don't want to go the religious route or if you have gone the religious route and are feeling like you need another angle, you can always write a conditional acceptance.
If written correctly and well these letters can work much like how if an employer sends you a letter that says you "voluntarily were terminated." By not rebutting their letter, you accepted that it was voluntarily (we talked about that previously). If you structure a conditional acceptance correctly you can set default terms if they don't respond or respond properly.
However even if written in the weakest form they can at least serve as a basis of dishonor.
What is a conditional acceptance?
Everything in life is offer, counter-offer, acceptance. When someone declines it can be honorably or dishonorably - but lets not worry about that too much.
Let's say you want to buy something on eBay. You find a seller who is selling this item and there is a buy it now button, but no offer button. The Buy-it-now is the offer, and it is presented as a take-it-or-leave-it. But you don't always have to take-it-or-leave-it, so you write the seller and give them a counter offer. Maybe you tell them you will agree to buy the item, so long as they give you free shipping. That is a laymens terms for a conditional acceptance.
When our employers are asking us to get vaccinated it is an offer, because they can't physically force us. They may be trying to force us, but they can't physically.
If you accept the offer, you get the shot, and by default if you decline - well their offer says you lose your job.
We already addressed how their offer threatens and puts us under duress, and is horribly wrong. But diverting away from that, we can still stay honorable just by conditionally accept their offer.
I have written many conditional acceptances, some about policies, some about smart meters, and other things and the general format is simply a letter that starts with " you have requested me to do this action, i can conditionally accept, so long as you:" and then list the conditions
Now that puts the ball back in their court because you didn't refuse, you just set up conditions that need to be met. If they refuse, then they might be in dishonor. I say might because, if you ask for them to give you a forty million dollar mansion, well that may not be very justifiable.
I have seen some conditional-acceptances going around and there are requests for liability if there are adverse reactions, or explaining and verifying that they aren't violating your religious beliefs or depriving you of rights or violating the Nuremberg code, etc.
Personally anything I ask for that is written answer to a question, I ask to be under penalty of perjury from someone competent to the facts. Because anyone can write a response, but getting a verifiable answer is important and it gets to the point.
If you end that letter there that is pretty good.
But if you want a stronger letter, just incase they ignore you or don't respond with everything you ask for, you would add a paragraph about defaulting.
Typically I have seen paragraphs about defaulting like "please send me your response with the requested materials within 14 days, so i may inspect them. Your failure to do so constitutes your agreement to the following terms:"
And then you can list terms. And these terms can be anything like:
You will immediately cease requesting medical information from me, including but not limited to, vaccination records or other private information.
My employment will continue and you will not terminate me or retaliate against me.
If you do terminate me you agree to pay me three years severance pay plus provide me with equal medical and dental insurance for those three years or until i find reasonable employment that will provide those etc
Conditional acceptance letters do require several follow ups, and after three or four follow ups if they fail to provide the information, you should consider it a default.
It must be restated that none of this is legal advise. This is all communication, working things out privately, record keeping, preparation, and knowing where you stand.
Anyone can write a letter, and these letters are powerful tools, but if an employer fires you, these letters on their own aren't just going to automatically solve all your problems. These are part of working the situation out, and giving yourself ammunition if something goes wrong.
Really what we all want is for the employer to stop their mandates and appreciate their employees.
I can send out ideas and samples of conditional acceptances, but it is best to be written in your words so you comprehend what you are asking for in the letters.
Always speak truthfully and keep your head up, it will keep your record keeping and letters in good order.
Before I open up the discussion, I will restate that it is important you know what you are fighting for and why because you are the one who has to speak for yourself.
This is an important fight because our rights that we hold so dear are being challenged. With that we need to think ahead with every action we take. If all else fails and 1/3 of the work force is all of the sudden unemployed what should we do...?
To be honest, no matter how big or small the number is, there are a ton of us in every community. It is up to us to set the standard of our lives and our morals.
We have to support each other first of all. So if some of us keeps our jobs and some of us loses our jobs, we should be doing everything in our power to support those who lost their jobs standing up for these rights. Maybe we might hire them to do work for us?
Also with so many of us in communities across the Country we could band together and start up our own small businesses. We can certainly do that together.
But one of the strongest forms of support, is where and where not you spend your money. If businesses are firing employees over vaccination status, then it is up to us to support those businesses as little as possible. By supporting those businesses we end up supporting the deprivation of rights, which is much like how taking a vaccine with aborted fetal cells supports abortion. Or much like how comply to something against your free will, could support a future where everyone's rights are stripped away.
I don't know how many people are on this call, but the online groups I am have just recently been to have thousands of people. And there is at least 88 million who have not yet gotten the vaccine. There are a lot of us.
So I will open up the discussion for questions and comments
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You may be happy to hear I have been able to comment and support on many peoples issues with these man-dates.
There are all kinds of scenerios going on:
Employers sending letters of "voluntary termination"
Employers requesting letters of resignation
Employers claiming only medical waivers apply OR that peoples religion are not good enough
Most people in these groups are smart enough to comment on why these requests are invalid and I have seen some great resources...
... but what I have been able to add above all is that everyone needs to maintain a good Record of events, so everyone needs to rebut "voluntary resignation" letters or requests and state the facts in writing. Everyone needs to comprehend coercion, duress, and shock of the conscious.
You may not always agree with my ways either (like Dept of Health Waivers) but everyone has to pick battles and work on the level that they are at. Sometimes an easy form that gets cleared is easier than standing on your own private letter. Honestly, in Michigan they are supposed to honor your private waivers for children. We know that because we have been exempt for a decade, and we know they give a big hassle because the schools don't know and think they need the Health Dept form.
There are A LOT of people on this fight. The current battle is how to handle employers requesting you to quit or sending voluntary termination letters to cover their butt. Also how to handle employers judging your religion (as if they have authority).
We could always host a discussion on it. I would be happy to start with a 15 minute lecture on my thoughts over this. I do believe the employers are slightly scared despite their firm positions, otherwise they wouldn't be trying to form agreements either explicit or tacit that people are quitting.
Jason, Michigan
Additional 10 Sept. 2021 ^ - top of page
Through my life it has become apparent that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and there is far more to our existence than we will ever know. Man is flawed in that man tends to lose his ways as his heart grows cold for Earthly things, and because of that the guidance we receive, those people who the majority tend to call authorities, are not always the people that carry a clean message.
There are many extremely basic Laws that exist which are Natural and Religious. Some of these Laws include:
One can only serve one Master (Romans, Matthew)
One only has authority over what One creates
One shall not do harm to Oneself or others
One should love their neighbor as oneself
Because One can only serve one Master, the law-of-men can only come as a secondary law, when not in conflict with my Religious and Spiritual beliefs, and when not in conflict with Natural Law. Forcing me to violate these beliefs put me under duress. Because One only has authority over what One creates, the highest authority comes from the Creator of All.
Despite all the teachings that exist, our guidance on those teachings comes from our Spiritual moral compass. Though we are imperfect, we tend to know when we do right and we do wrong. We also tend to know when a situation is just or unjust. Thinking we are guilty of sin, even if we are not, is as if we have sinned (bible scripture).
Because I am instructed to do no harm, there are things like abortion, or the harming of animals, misusing animal remains or human remains that are a high objection because supporting these things whether directly or indirectly is supporting the continuation of harm, which is against my religious beliefs.
Because I am instructed to do no harm, it is against my beliefs to purposely inject myself with substances which are toxic to the body, especially being directly injected instead of digested.
Because I am instructed to do no harm, it is against my beliefs to purposely give myself an immuno-response reaction.
Because I am instructed to do no harm, it is against my beliefs to inject DNA or mRNA or similar substances into my body, as any piece of that material that could make it into another cell of mine could cause my body to change and lose my connection to The Creator of All (God), as I was made in his Image.
Because I am instructed to do no harm, it is against my religious beliefs to regularly have invasive testing, such as nasal swabs, blood draws, or other invasive testing, when this testing is not being used in conjunction with any medical treatment required to cure me.
It is also against my region to participate in matters that would harm others, such as participating in matters that support the coercion against others, the erosion of these people's rights, and would lead to events foreseen in Revelations. The events that have been occurring are harmonious with Revelations where one cannot buy, sell, or trade without receiving the mark.
Wearing masks or facial shields, despite how small of a direction, is a direction towards the erosion of rights, through compliance. Now we are at coercion of forcing vaccines and testing, and it can only be predicted that some other worse thing will happen next.
Throughout the short time that masks were requested of employees, I was under duress to the point of where at many times my skin was tingling, I felt sick to my stomach, and my body would go between cold and hot. It was less about the mask, and more about the principals of control behind what compliance of a mask is doing, especially when it is at an employee level and it makes no difference what any customer is doing as they don't have to wear masks.
Despite what news might be regurgitated about these vaccines. There are high percentages of vaccinated people getting the virus, which means they don't work as they are supposed to. There have been a large amount of side effects reported to VAERS and the people who have not gotten these vaccines yet are scared of what these vaccines might do to them.
People who have not gotten vaccinated yet are scared of either dying (mortality) or having an adverse reaction (impacting their quality of life)
Despite the EEOC requiring businesses to make accommodations for all religious exemptions, the EEOC also recognizes not-religious people as being able to enjoy the benefits of such exemptions if they relate to mortality, the quality of life, and others.
It is a disservice to anyone who would withhold this information and not help a fellow man or woman whom is under duress because they are scared for their life about having to choose between their job or taking care of themselves (by not getting the vaccine). [refer to love thy neighbor]
I have been religiously exempt from vaccines for over a decade, and have always maintained my connection to The Creator of All (God), despite what name I would refer to the Creator as, or what level of comprehension my understanding of Spirituality and my Religion was.
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Key points:
- Wuhan Lab being source of virus has been covered up and has been hiding in plain sight
- Media has covered up any information leading back to Wuhan and other things
- Doctors were trying to treat with cheap drugs, and were stopped
- Facebook discrimination against posts and people is wrong
- much much more
Religion as recognized by EEOC ^ - top of page
Employers have to make accommodations and can't discriminate against those who have strong beliefs against certain things. This includes religious beliefs, spiritual beliefs, and even moral beliefs such as quality of life and mortality (for those not religious and even those religious). around 80 million people have not gotten the vaccine, and people would rather lose their jobs than get this vaccine. People are scared for their lives and well being. People are being put under duress while the governments and employers are trying to coerce these people for a desired outcome.
If you are scared for your life (mortality) or what kind of reactions you could have (quality of life) you are automatically protected against these mandates according to EEOC irregardless of religion. This should be enough to prevent anyone from losing their job over the vaccination.
However all religious and spiritual beliefs are protected also.
If you are under duress about wearing a mask (maybe the compliance is going against your moral or spiritual compass because you feel it could lead to a worse quality of life (more trespass of rights) or could lead to revelations (compliance required to buy, sell, trade) or you feel it is a violation of these rights to get nasal swab tests, or any invasive testing (could there be something on a "steril" q-tip? Could that q-tip irritate your insides), you can attest to these violations on your rights too.
It is up to you to be able to stand on your rights, but it is also up to you know what your objections are, how you are being violated, and why it is a violation. This resource is only proof of where your employer would be-in-the-wrong for discriminating against you, why they can't deny religious exemptions or ask for proof besides your own word.
If you were to still run into problems, there are higher laws that this is naturally a derivative of - but those laws would require much more work to prove. People have already said "this is unconstitutional," and maybe the Constitution limits governments authority to where they aren't allowed to infringe on such rights, but linking an Employers policy or the Dept of Labors policy to the Constitution will be extremely hard to prove any violation of (and there are higher laws than the Constitution's organic law). What most people probably mean when they spout out something "is unconstitutional" is that they recognize their rights are being trampled on, and can't believe that it is happening, and hoping that these promises of retaining these rights will be upheld.
Knowing the source of these laws and your own rights is paramount. Law existed before the Constitution was enacted, and was used to draft the Constitution, and that Law still exists today above all the statutes and codes which have been enacted (policies) to try to make law easier to rule on and in some situations circumvent or rewrite law.
However, this should resource should be enough, because what are they going to counter the EEOC with? Does all of the sudden recognition of these rights not matter?
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