Pfizer scientist says Covid vaccine is deadly
COVID VAX--Mike Yeadon chief scientist Pfizer: "Anyone taking any COVID VAX is DEAD in 2-3 years
Mike Yeadon chief scientist Pfizer and world known immunologist claims it is too late to save anyone who has taken any of the COVID vaccines that genetically modify you. It is NOT a vaccine. It is an experimental GENE THERAPY that is deadly on all lab animals tested on. The same will happen to all humans. Both the mRNA and Viral Vector death jabs do the exact same thing through 2 different methods. You become a GMO human. This VIOLATES the Nuremberg Codes against experimenting on humans as the NAZIs did during WW2. It also VIOLATES all International Law and the US 4th amendment.
Any vaccinated human will produce antibodies with the defective GMO spike protein. These antibodies are not effective against the COVID virus leading to mutations and viral shedding to harm others who took the DEATH JABS. Vaccinated people over time will become progressively less capable of handling any COVID mutations and other diseases including cancers. The GMO modification progressively cripples your immune system until you die, something akin to AIDS 2.0. They did this to the gay men in the late 1970s by tainting the Hepatitis B vaccine with the HIV virus made at the US BioWeapons lab in Fort Deitrick Maryland.
Anthony Fauci was the cheer leader to the NYC gay community back in late 70s. Fauci is involved again with Bill Gates. Its a world genocide agenda--Agenda 2030 and Great Reset by international bankers who print fiat currency backed by NOTHING. See book, "Queer Blood" by Doctor Alan Cantewell (1993--downloadable as free PDF file now) along with the book "Doctors of Death" among others. The gay genocide was only the first. Later in 1977 they tainted the small pox vaccine with a hundred million doses to Africans on the African continent killing hundreds of millions. Africans know this. The fake news TV never tells you this truth.
Many other deadly vaccine trials have been used on the US military as well like the toxic "Anthrax Vaccine" they call "Gulf War Syndrome" along with the unspeakable vaccine agenda pushed on our children that cause massive autism now 1 out of 50 boys. Same with the Gardasil vaccine for girls. They are killing us with vaccine technology which could be used for good, but they use it for EVIL just like our Smart Snitch Phones and 5G that are being used as weapons against our privacy and health.
WAKE UP. FIGHT BACK. SPREAD THE TRUTH before BILLIONS of humans dies at the hands of diabolical Satanists. Turn to Our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ for forgiveness of our blind trust in evil doctors, and the strength to fight back against them.