Vaccination News
Judge Napolitano on Forced Vaccinations in Massachusetts
Martial Law, Quarantines & Forced Vaccinations
Drug Cartel Exposed Creating, Releasing, Injecting, Infecting, and Depopulating Planet with Pandemic H1N1 Swine Flu Viruses and Vaccines
World leading drug-industry investigators have uncovered stunning documents proving an international drug ring, operating from New York City, is behind the H1N1 swine flu fright and vaccination preparations.
U.S. MILITARY: All Uniformed Personnel Must Take Swine Flu Vaccine
From the Navy Times!
Swine Flu Vaccine Linked to Killer Nerve Disease
There are concerns that there could be a repeat of what became known as the
'1976 debacle' in the US, where a swine flu vaccine killed 25 people - more than the virus itself.
Large Health Care Corporation Demands Vendors Take Seasonal Vaccine
Executive Vice President of MedStar Health, indicates his corporation will require vendors to take the toxic seasonal vaccine in order to do business with the health care provider.
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