5G LAW PASSED while everyone was distracted... - S.893 SECURE 5G AND BEYOND ACT OF 2020 -
Signed into law 116-129 on 3-23-2020, that will speed up the installation of 5G and protect profits!
Children had to be out of schools for the covert installation. Parents are you seeing what's happening?
5G is 10,000 times the strength of 4G and uses the same frequency as a military weapon. - Sheik EL
- Symptoms of 5G radiation sickness include:
- shortness of breath,
- passing out,
- cold and flu symptoms,
- fever,
- increase cancer risk,
- foggy thinking,
- eye pain,
- nightmares,
- nausea,
- vomiting,
- diarrhea,
- headache,
- dizziness,
- disorientation
- weakness,
- fatigue,
- hair loss,
- bloody vomit and stools from internal bleeding
- Infections and
- low blood pressure
- Sheik El
Ted thinks when people are dying of pneumonia, breathing problems, they call it COVID-19.
It is the 5 G that Is causing illness, & death.