Covid Notes Aug 11 2021
Major Newspaper apologies for perpetrating the covid fraud
Covid is a crime against humanity
$ 500 Trillion Lawsuit against the Federal Government
Office of Military Commission
Rockefeller created Big Pharma & Doctors
Mass Murdering Governors - covid
Major German Newspaper apologizes, publishes both a written, and verbal apology: for helping to propagate the fraud against the German population, especially the children, and asks for forgiveness.
Video of Open Apology:
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They Can’t Arrest Us All”... Rand Paul Calls For Mass Resistance Against "Drunk With Power" Pelosi.....
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Tucker Carlson shows an appointed person is now dictating law (against our laws, legislatures, constitution) The state is no longer acting legally. Stand on your rights !
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$500 Trillion Lawsuit against Federal Government and over 140 monopolists
This Video was removed by YouTube 5 hours after uploading:
$500 trillion lawsuit against the federal govt and over 140 monopolists
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How Covid is pre planned and working to destroy us, our economy & more. on Charlie Ward website.
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The Vaxxed are patentable ^ Top of page
link: They are GMO and no longer natural
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Rockefeller creates / controls Big Parma & Doctors ^ Top of page
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Facebook videos - Terry Dickerson
Physicians Assistant shows there is no force (no authority) to require bad policies on covid restrictions to CISD School District Board meeting 07-17-2021
Q) The Storm Rider /Official Page
You are in the hardest part of the PLAN!!!... Where everything is intensifying, growing quickly on both sides of the War... It's like a head on collision you are witnessing..... The extreme mental pain that is being felt will intensify>>> VACCINES will change from experimental >>MANDATORY<<
Continued on Telegram at:
Q) The Storm Rider /Official Page
(28 proofs, new + remade) - new findings
0:00 Introduction
2:45 Proof 18 "Location. Exact location Exact."
14:17 Proofs 22-23 18 Law of War ...
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Gray State - The Rise (FULL MOVIE) - Bing video
gray state TRAILER - Bing video
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The Plan of the Deep State for totalitarian control of everyone.
Mark of the beast
First they create a "virus" Then they mask the public, close down businesses and destroy the economy.
They then create a vaccine that doesn't work. Then they mask everyone, vaccinated or not, close down businesses and destroy the economy.
If you do not take the vaccine, you lose your job, can't shop anywhere, can't do anything. Mark of the beast.
They want to create a slave state. You are either an elite privileged liberal or a slave. A slave to the government. No middle class.
This is the goal of the totalitarians out to destroy the republic of the United States of America. No more freedom.
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BlackRock and Vanguard own pretty much all media and pharmaceutical companies.
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Mass Murdering governors ^ Top of page
MASS MURDERING Cuomo Governor New York Announces Criminal Plan to Force Covid19 DEATH JABS
Everyone should also note, the Biden Admin had the US Dept of InJustice Squash the Indictment for MURDER against Governors Cuomo, Satan Witch Whitmer Michigan, Murphy New Jersey MOB, and Wolf Pennsylvania.
Those governors each MURDERED tens of thousands by snaking an ventilator down their throats while sedated blowing out their lungs. The hospitals were PAID $53,000 per DEATH by ventilator (modern day guillotine). How anyone can live in those states is beyond comprehension. They will let the 250,000 United Nations CHINA TROOP with super high tech gear (peace keepers) training and harbored in Ontario Canada since winter 2018 into their states to put down the anti vaxxer revolt/civil war. The Satanists WANT this Civil War/Revolt.
Denying they want this WAR is only foolish thinking.
The Satanist WANT THIS WAR to take the guns. WAKE
The Road Trailer
Its not like we've never been warned
Alex Jones Predicts NEVER ENDING Lock Downs !!!
Gray State Trailer
They KILLED the man that tried to make this film along with his wife and children
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Duplicate Fake White House Built and Functioning on Closed Military Base in Georgia: Fort McPherson was closed down September 15, 2011. On June 26, 2015, Fort Mac LRA became the owner of 145 acres of property on the former Fort McPherson in Southwest Atlanta, Georgia. Fort Mac LRA is responsible for ensuring quality reuse and redevelopment of 145 acres on the former Army post. The Fort Mac LRA board of directors are nominated by the Mayor of Atlanta, the Fulton County Commission or the Governor. In June 2015, 330 acres of Fort McPherson was purchased by actor/producer Tyler Perry to be the new home of Tyler Perry Studios. Tyler Perry Studios grand opening occurred on Saturday, Oct. 5, 2019.
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** CodeMonkeyZ BOMBSHELL ** Dominion Whistleblower Speaks Out – Releases Admin Password Proving Remote Access –VIDEO
Please watch the 1 min video.
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Military Commission shows Real Raw is not accurate.
A You Tube video gives references to the Military Commission website
C-Vine website
C-Vine YouTube Channel
Office of Military Commission
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Covid internment camps announced in America: Tennessee governor signs EO authorizing National Guard carry out covid medical kidnappings.
Stay away from hospitals as they’re forcing the jab regardless of wishes!!!!!
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The ultimate litmus test- Flat Earth- Marty Leeds
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Is Real Raw News fake news ?
Office of Military Commission
C-Vine website
C-Vine YouTube Channel
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Learn truth, great web sites