The video link below should be watched by every human being on the planet, who isn't part of the New World Order and their "New Norm" health care. Anyone who isn't seeking to reduce the population of the planet, which is an ancient goal and equates to crimes against humanity, should be aware that people are waking up around the globe. The depopulation program isn't new. The fact that Hiter and his Nazi and Communist army committed a genocide by people who were suffering from economic hard times in Europe complied for promised housing, food, health care, and shelter and jobs. The Marxist and Muslim Brotherhood tyrannical leaders do the same. And, now the secret society of NWO wealthy members believe they should redevelop the planet with mind controlled zombies and Trans Humans created in a petrie dish by a Scientist. Trans Humans can't procreate and they are possibly controlled through the experimental jabs and hooked up by the internet it does appear.
Obviously, they don't believe in God, only in Science. They worship money. They believe they are gods who discovered immortality. They mess around and experiment on humans using each one as a human lab rat - chattel - property - salves forced into servitude by unconstitutional mandates using mRNA genetically engineered organisms that can possibly alter the God given unique DNA of individual human beings. And, let's not forget the Pfizer Trade Secret Formula being injected into millions of human with unknown materials or consequences.
Many wealthy people in business who worship money believe it's their duty as the chosen ones and their offspring who deserve to breathe in fresh oxygen and exhale carbon monoxide while mandating everyone else cut off their oxygen supply and obey them. Every human beings realizes that once living beings or plants and trees are denied oxygen, they die. God created oxygen - fresh air - and referred to it in the Bible as The Breath of Life. After God created Adam and Even, he breathed oxygen into their lungs so they could live.
Furthermore, if God didn't want Adam and Eve to live and enjoy life, he wouldn't have created the nose and mouth. Oxygen is a necessity of life breathed in 24/7 and exhaling carbon monoxide which keeps the lungs and cells and immune system healthy. A strong immune system worked since Adam and Even without experimental jabs and without experimental drugs and people lived for 400 years. What happened to the U.S. Constitution when it comes to using human lab rats for experimental vaccines or what I refer to as injections or jabs because they aren't FDA approved licensed vaccines so that they can be held above the law for all the deaths and injuries to possibly millions of people.
Click on the Link that is SHOCKING! Or, keep reading - Link also posted at end of post -
In 2019, Dr. Fauci, CDC, WHO, Bill and Melinda Gates and MSM and Social Media giants and NWO members on Wall Street decided the immune system was "meaningless." They chose to invest in the money making faulty PCR toxic Ethylene Oxide swabs and toxic Ethylene Oxide masks made in China. Check out my blog on Ethylene Oxide. The immune system fights off viruses and bacteria and if masks worked, China should be virus free. However, China opened up 300 manufacturing companies to supply the world with masks and PCR tests raking in billions. China-Gates allowed Dr. Fauci to fund China and use the careless Biochemical Wuhan Lab to continue the alleged gain-of-function after the USA placed a moratorium on Dr, Baric and Dr. Fauci's research by wealthy friends and associates linked to China through Wall Street. These wealthy NWO members donated millions to secretly transfer Fauci's research offshore to a foreign enemy communist nation.
Every minute that someone is coerced, threatened or fearmongered or else be punished and fired from their jobs is another Human Lab Rat creating a built-in customer base of never-ending future jabs using Human Beings as Human Commodities for Human Capital. Human Lab Rats have complied under fear and duress of losing their jobs and not being able to exercise their freedom, liberty and rights, by people who haven't any authority to deny anyone their constitutional rights to Free Will, Free Choice, and to work and educate and provide for the necessities of life. Americans didn't elect or taxpayer fund appointees to overthrow the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights and Sovereignty or Free Will and Free Choice.
Time is running out to wake up.....The Truth Shall Set You Free and HumanityThank you to the brave doctors and medical staff and any man or woman and child, public servants regardless of party who are concerned citizens from around the world and can discern evil from good and right from wrong. Who can discern propaganda from truth. Who can discern real Science from Pseudo-Science. Who can discern spiritual warfare and the evil one coming to destroy all that God created including 90% of the population and animals, birds, fish, mammals in exchange to create their own Trans Human world that can't procreate but only be enslaved as mind-controlled zombies.