-Thinking  deals in language.

Only if you can name (or recall image or sound) of something, can you see, consider remember it.  You must have a label to think of it.

We can see, hear, feel something, and or bring things to consciousness by reading, memory or even telepathically, getting clues from the outside.

Most of our information consider comes from others.  Most people assume much, taking facts and conclusions from others to make decisions, take actions.  Few examine the foundations of their thoughts.

When you learn to research, via internet or libraries, you can break through conventional thinking, public opinion.  With broad perception, you can consider much that others don’t.  Ask why ? who, when, what, where.

Different facts will lead you to different conclusions.

Thinking is both our option and our privilege.  Most are rushed, focused on immediate personal & material needs, job, home, family, food, money.  For the few who consider their community, their future, the truth, examining fundamental thought proves invaluable. 

Once you start thinking, examining the precepts which  other have accepted, you often find fundamental flaws in the reasoning to certain conclusions. Our thoughts determine our actions.  Most accept public opinion, live in main stream  thinking, blend with others, live conventional lives.


When you begin to look at fundamental events, basic premises from which other conclusions are drawn, you enter a world of responsibility.  You break free of the conclusions of others.  You become arbitrator to choose what to believe.

Many focus their thinking on things that advance their own cause, considering and gathering information that justified what they have already done (property/ job) and what they want (goal/ ambitions).

Few search deep for foundations of thought.  It does not lead to immediate and tangible rewards.  You are often ostracized as you challenge the conclusion that others willingly accept.  Others do not want to think, question, or follow your path.

Status quo rules our world.  Initial impressions are memorialized in news, monuments, museums, books, histories and education.  Yet a world of alterative thinking, different paths are available to those who would seek it out.

Thinking, like sports, is something that you can develop, practice, improve.  Like doing push ups, the more you do, the more benefit you have.  These books may sharpened your  abilities. ++ Think Like a Genus, How to Double your Brain power, How to be Twice as Smart ..