Charles Stewart, Calif.

325 603 0334



Charles will present Argument in Support of his Proposition, that,


Eventually, All Modern Patriots will have Duties to Organize as 'Peace-Officers & Deputies",  in order To Execute Lawful Judgements of Local Hundred-Court JoP/Judicial-Officers, & this especially In Order to "Maintain Compliance With Law" in the manner in which the "Force" of, the "Office of the Sheriff" of the County is Applied Among the People of the Community.


Each of these modernized Precinct-Level "Hundred Courts", have Sixth-Amendment Recognizable"Criminal Jurisdiction"; & Through These Their JoP/Judicial-Officer has Lawful Authority to "Issue Arrest-Warrants",  as Against Any Person whom Their Courts have "Probable Cause to Believe"  have Committed Common-Law-Recognizable "Crimes".

Each of these Communities Have Lawful Duties to Print Their Own Currency, & to Control Their Own Credits/Debts Clearing-House/Bank & Treasury; & to Execute All Process Necessary in order to Insure that  All People in Our Communities are Not Wanting for Any Reasonable Needs.

These Communities Will Provide Their Own Hundred-Man Posse-Comitatus Unit,  Ten of which are Duty-Bound to Obey All Common-Law Compliant Orders  which might Issue from the Legitimate Occupant of  the County's "Office if the Sheriff"."


Charles will talk next Tuesday conf. Call

Conference calls 8 pm EST Tuesdays

712 775 7085 enter 879 599 #


The true History of our modern American concept of "Law".

Please join our discussion 16 November 9 pm for Chaarles presentation.



Broad-Based Consensus-Building around Natural-Laws of Truth & Justice.


Charles Stewart; Contact Info, Back-ground Data, & Leading Documents, Web-Links


As we discussed; here are web-links to the Corona-Virus-Militarism Complaint & Model Jury-Verdict: