Call 2021-12-07 content Contact info for the speakers at the bottom. Thanks
Conf. 667 770 1557 enter 879 599 # replay 1558
audio recording
You can listen or download.
Tuesdays from 5 til 9+ pm
Call recording started at 5 pm EST, til about 10 pm
Time notes like 6 12 = 1 hr, 12 min. into the audio recording, after 5 pm recording started.
Items with + I don't know what word is meant.
The speaker knows best what he is saying.
Mark up / correct anything here written and return to me for the final record. Thanks !
18 callers over 5 hours.
Smiley's website:
More info, documents from Robert D & Charles S
R. House, J. West, C. Stewart - common law, rights, court
other files on the web under the name of each speaker
Link to Nov. 16 audio Notes from call
Robert-Dean: House 7 Nov.
Traffic Stop
Best of my knowledge
I do not recognize jurisdiction
Judge says he did not recognize
not relevant
$ 1, certified
18 USC 3002 sec 15
United States is a federal corporation
American Patriot Email Alert
Pod Cast: A Warrior's Call, Mon, Thur
Bitchute fast forward
Usufruct - Ed
right to use and right to profit,
naked ownership right to dispose
gov. makes us the Usufruct of what is going on.
reversion to US Treasury
Pewe Coal vs US
surrendered operation to US gov.
US gov. ran but lost money
to Supreme Court
ruled right to profit and liability to losses.
Pay all taxes, settle all claims.
If their is claim.
if someone send you a claim, you must settle
6 12
beneficial owner, you have possession.
title holder of car, not claiming the car.
Northwest Ordinance
6 31 Demure, no case
Oath, Declaration, Revocation of Power of Attorney
You go in and give them the law they can't rebut
Ed Demur there is no claimant
Art 1 sec 18
6 33
Courts are federalized franchise of US gov.
No jurisdiction over State National
all gov departments are federal franchise
Those who are US citizen propagate the Fed. gov.
Birth Certif. contact, cancel
8 Title 1481, 82 swear allegiance to foreign state.
Federal Franchise
You reference the debtor
Grater for beneficiary
Refer to card (Soc. Sec.)
Who is the individual who signed the card.
grantor, debtor,
change status before signing card.
submit an oath, declaration of citizen ship of state of birth
revocation all authority presumed in your possession.
then sign as grantor
when signed as US
sign back of soc. sec. you were US citizen. establishing the contract
Ed FSS Foreign State first name & middle initial on
change from C on back to H St. Louis
former card, parents completed fName, lName on one line
does not matter if you are grantor or beneficiary.
Smiley uses Soc. Sec. Card as exemption
Title 8, 1481, allows for individual to swear to a foreign state.
changed status, then turned
SS web, get benefit to city & US National.
routing 3 to go to federal window
Smiley is in control, benefit from someone else.
exemption, accept value stamp, no dashes
6 46,
Ed SS5-S, Line 5, US Citizen, alien - non resident, / other
Ed 18 USC 1101 A 21 national person permanent to allegiance to a state. West Virgilian
Changed # ob back of card form C, Chicago, to H, St. Louis ?
Arch Gateway, on the land
on Front, smoking baby: Name
If you have not changed your status you are trustee
if changed sign as grantor for beneficiary.
Name on front not all on one line.
Form SS Card F M Last
New card: first Name, middle Name, surname/ family name on new line.
Then you are the true te+
if you are the beneficiary, you have standing,
# on back changes
front of card changed
xx indicator you are not a beneficiary
to be beneficiary not trustee
interest holder
go to court
6 55
back of card, this card belongs to Soc. Sec. Admin
How could it belong to SSA/ Soc Sec Admin
micro print, soc. admin. property.
RETURN card on your name,
as beneficiary of this card
send me tools to use the number.
if it is not your card, keep the card keep it.
don't claim card, don't keep it.
Authorized Signature (rep is agent )
SMILEY: EIN # form Non resident alien
IDL+ on server
uses EIN # in lieu of soc.
Soc. Sec. is deposited, non taxable
UCC1 Smiley Harris is creditor for debtor
your name in
Smiley is author over debtor
You want to be authorized representative.
signs off on the back author. rep.
Smiley Harris is living man who is author rep of living man.
Smiley Harris, AR
on check, you are the all caps name on the check
UCC 3-402 signature by representative.
person acting or purposing signs an instrument
by the representative ... as would be the person
Auth sign of the person.
form shows on behalf of
the represent is not liable.
unambiguously on behalf as the person
is not liable.
Auth Sign you become the rep. person
Auth rep. is not liable.
by, Ted Elden, auth rep. agent
you want to be the Auth Rep Agent, not the all CAP NAME
you are the agent for all cap name.
if you sign as Authorized Signature, you take o liability
become Sec. Party Creditor
Create, give it control over debtor
Your name does not appear, only he trust name
we sign as auth rep. of the trust.
Never step out of that capacity. therefore loose your name,
except as auth. rep.
Non Assumpt.
Auth Rep of trust or corp.
They pay your bills, utilities transferred to the corp.
Smiley: Patrick Devine
Accept for value, 1 blue signature, 45 ;
sign without recourse.
So. Dakota original constitution.
7 25
living man has no l=place in commerce
Smiley MacDonald, Sovereign
Elimated+ back into commerce
living man has no place i commerce
living man creates fiction separate & distinct from fiction created for him
Est+ our fiction and have it gobble up that
private bank
7 23
Cit of one of the several state has power
common law, congress is liable for all sovereign debts.
unlimited funds, unlimited
promissory notes, negotiable instruments.
create a fiction that we control
- - -
Montana Freeman, They founded a fiction, a corporation
Justice Township
they were dealing in commerce.
had courts & jurisdiction on the land
negotiable instruments, getting refunds back from
Only a fiction can interact with a fiction.
Living man cannot engage in commerce.
Chas Stewart Common law does not deal in fictions.
Smile Living man is
Commerce is tool
All jurisdiction are allowed
BC/ evidence of heart beat, inventory movement
died after, placenta, other infant
the evil twin, sent chamber of commerce.
Commerce is the ocean of debt.
Christian - Commerce is the devils ??
7 33
Jesus, we can walk on the waters of debt, by being a secure party creditor
invisible contract
Electric meter, put your own meter on !
You pay to rent the meter, not for the electricity.
Put on his own meter.
7 41
Homestead is where you live in house & do your commerce
rebut homestead exemption, no property tax.
Smiley How are you operating as a US citizen or a sovereign.
7 46 JC nurse
Pfiser, current Jab called cv-19 vaccine, 1,000+ deaths in testing.
in first 3 months.
- - -
Here is info on our speakers last night.
Smiley 707 900 8806
Lloyd 516 996 2255
Ray 830-928-8024
Robert-Dean 239 229 6243
JC 860 830 1115/ 405 795 2318
Ted Elden . 304 344 2335