Conspiracy Palace VCD - Video Vol. 1 Titles
Titles listed have descriptions below - recommended viewing to understand events of today, Truth Seekers, Charleston, West Virginia
4 Alien Base on Mars Documentary 2 Hours - Moon Hoax Revealed Documentary 1 Hours – World wo Cancer 5 Alien Implants Documentary 3 Hours 8 Another Perspective on our Struggle with Cancer 1 Hr 9 Anti- Christ Documentary 1 Hour 11 Atlantis Documentary 2 Hours – Origin of Evil 15 Crop Circles Documentary 1 Hour 16 Earth under Fire – Stargates of the Gods 18 Freemasonry Lightbearer Juri Lina– Amanita Muscaria mushrm 19 Knights Templar Documentary 2 Hours 20 HAARP Documentary 2 Hours 23 Illuminati 2005 Doc. -2 Hours Exposing Freemasonry Documentary 2 Hour prop 26 Masonic Rituals from First 3 Degrees Exposed 3 Hr lect 27 Redgate Documentary 2 Hours 29 Scalar Waves Documentary prop 3 Hours 30 Secret NASA Transmissions Raw Footage Doc. 2 Hr 32 Secrets of the Illuminati Doc. Enigma movie 4 Hours | 33 Secrets of the Matrix David. Iche Disc 1- 34 Secrets of the Matrix David. Iche Disc 2 38 Outer Space Connection – Stargates of Gods twilight 39 UFO Alien Video Documentary Jamie Maussen 2 Hours 40 Vaccination –Mark of Beast- Denver Airport 45 September 11th Documentary 1 H 30 M 911 In Plane Site– New Evidence 46 World without AIDS Documentary 2 Hr- Diseases Don't Just Happen 2 Hours – no AIDS 47 911 Loose Change 2, Columbia Masons, Corp Symbols- Chemtrails Video has no regional code & can be played by - All's VCD can be played in your DVD players. 48 Confronting Evidence- Painful Questions 49 Freemasonry – Prop Club Bill Schnoebelen 50 Freedom to Fascism- Pay No Tax 51 JFK – Bush Connection 52 Project Red Star- Tihonia- Mars Face, Moon Hoax, World wo Cancer 53 Alchemy Secrets Revealed Documentary |
Proof of an alien base on Mars - a base buried deep on the Tithoniaum Chasma floor - hidden away from prying eyes. The evidence is so obvious, so clearly visible that it defies the imagination - and reveals an entire 82 acre complex of structures and buildings that meet all criteria used on Earth to identify them as artificial. We have NEVER had evidence so astounding and so clear as revealed in the Video and Every major structure is shown direct from the Martian Global Surveyor photographs, then enhanced, outlined and computer lifted in exact scale - complete with live animation fly-arounds and fly-overs of Tithonia City. The people who have seen this remarkable video and on Tithonia City are amazed at the incredible clarity of these structures - so obvious than even children can spot them on photographs almost immediately.
Investigate alien abduction implant victims. Witness the surgical removal of alien implants. Discover results from laboratory tests and the pathology of alien implants. Presented here in shocking detail is hard evidence the medical community has long denied: scientific proof that alien implants are real. Results from scientific analysis confirm they did not come from Earth, and they all possess the unmistakable characteristics of alien origin. This extraordinary field of scientific research investigates disturbing mysteries into surgical removal of alien implants from abduction victims. This story and the trail of medical and scientific discovery that followed provide positive proof that we are not alone. The question remains: are we the beneficiaries of alien implantation or its victims? Never before has a Video of this magnitude and depth, pertaining to this subject ever been made available for the general public.
This Documentary shows evidence that cancer is a deficiency disease—like scurvy or pellagra—aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modern man’s diet. That substance is vitamin B17. In its purified form developed for cancer therapy, it is known as Laetrile.
Why has orthodox medicine waged war against this non drug approach?. This Documentary contends that the answer is to be found, not in science, but in politics—and is based upon the hidden economic and power agenda of those who dominate the medical establishment.
How the AntiChrist will use the United Nations to control the world Who has requested to be the King of Europe Whose name scripturally calculates to 666 in English and Hebrew Who claims descent from Jesus, Mohammed, and David, yet appears to be from Dan and Satan Whose heraldic achievement literally bears the satanic imagery — the "calling card" — of the AntiChrist
Who were the Atlanteans? Where they tutors or tyrants?
How did the phenomena of evil come into the world and the consciousness of humans?
Who, or what, are the "Fallen Angels?"
Is Homo Sapiens a hybrid created by beings from another planet?
Was the science of genetics known in ancient times?
Are you "Homo Sapiens" or "Homo Atlantis?"
What is the difference between Atlantis and Lemuria?
Are we being told the truth about our origins and destiny?
What do the terms "Immaculate Conception," "Forbidden Fruit," and "Tree of Life" refer to?
Why do some modern scientists believe that the so-called "Ice-Age" never happened?
Did Eve really cause the fall of man?
Why have women and indigenous races been slaughtered and suppressed through the ages?
Who built the great cyclopean megaliths, and why?
Who really governs from behind the thrones of government and religion?
Are the US presidents blood-related to the ancient royals and to the prehistoric Annunaki?
Why has our technological expertise outreached our psychological and spiritual development
What do the terms "atomic" and "nuclear" war really mean?
Who, or what, are the "Reptilians." Do they really come from outer space?
Is the "New World Order" really something new?
What is the purpose of the many "black-budget" operations and projects, like HAARP?
Why are US troops on new "Crusades" in the Middle East?
Is 2012 really the end of time, as the Maya predicted?
(2005) which exposes the secret history of world's most notorious secret society known as freemasons. Using footage from various masonic sites and lodges the viewer is taken on a tour which enables him or her to see the sinister forces who actually run the world today and how they came to power. A must see for everyone.
Subjects Covered Include: Aleister Crowley & 33 degree Freemasonry • Albert Pike & The Ku Klux Klan • Tony Blair & The 1591 Studholme Masonic Lodge • Footage from inside the Skull & Bones Tomb • Winston Churchill & The Order of Druids • Masonic Lodges inside the British Parliament • The O.T.O. & The Golden Dawn • British Royal Family Members of Hitler’s SS • Satanic Possession • Devil Worship Amongst Hollywood Stars • How The 2004 U.S. Presidential Election Was Fixed
What goes on behind the closed doors of the Masonic lodge? Former worshipful master in the Masonic lodge reenacts portions of Masonic rituals from the first three degrees in freemasonry and explains what he taught in the lodge. Is freemasonry a religion? And why all the rituals? Get an in-depth answer from This Documentary If you are truly curious about freemasonry, and what goes on behind closed doors, you want this VCD
This amazing revelation is tipped to be the most impacting
development in the world of extraterrestrial observation since the events of Roswell. Experts from all over the world are acknowledging this as an uncovering of new knowledge in unparalleled proportions. The Redgate Documentary will shake the very foundations of those who ever doubted human contact with aliens. Not only does the Redgate Documentary provide amazing new proof of extraterrestrial visitation but also of relationships with aliens closer than ever before suspected. This work simply cannot be ignored.
Longitudinal EM energy fills vacuum of space, the time domain of spacetime, time as compressed energy, E=tc2, waves of time, phase conjugate wave pairs. "Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels." "At any point and at any time, one can freely and inexpensively extract enormous EM energy flows directly from the active vacuum itself." I guess the first thing to try to comprehend is that a "new" kind of electromagnetic (EM) wave has been discovered in the empty vacuum of space which, when engineered, can be an inexhaustible supply of energy in great magnitude at any place in the universe. The word "new" is in quotes because the discovery really goes back to Nikola Tesla and his discovery of what he called "radiant energy." It is also not "new" because the Russians (KGB) have been working on this technology for over 30 years and have weaponized these "new" longitudinal scalar waves to a great degree. These are the weapons Nikita Khrushchev spoke of in January, 1960. "By 1957-8 the Soviets had progressed to the point of a giant scalar EM accident in the Urals which exploded nearby atomic wastes, devastating the area. They had also progressed to development of great new superweapons using their new energetics - weapons to which Khrushchev referred in 1960 when he informed the Soviet Presidium of a new, fantastic weapon in development, a weapon so powerful that it could wipe out all life on earth if unrestrainedly employed.'"
After over 30 years of development, and extensive testing around the globe, these new scalar electromagnetic weapons are up and running and ready to go.
This video shows numerous UFO’s from uncut NASA footage. No lies just the truth
“The Smoking Gun.” this videotape contains 90 minutes of raw footage only, gleaned from numerous space shuttle missions and cosmonauts aboard the Mir Space Station. The only sounds you will hear are the astronauts and cosmonauts themselves and mission controllers. The footage in this video is presented exactly the way it was transmitted at the time.
This Documentary is the most inclusive expose of the HIV/AIDS fraud. It explains how the fraud began, how it is perpetuated, and who profits by it. The documentary explains why HIV cannot be the cause of AIDS, what the real causes could be, and why dangerous toxic drugs like AZT cause AIDS by prescription.
This video documentary stands to date as the best complete analysis of these issues. This video may save thousands of lives and is credited as being part of the HIV/AIDS dissident movement worldwide.
In this visually compelling and thought provoking documentary, some of the deepest secrets of the ancient western tradition of Alchemy - the knowledge of the fatal season of the apocalypse, the end of time and the great and imminent transformation of humanity. Powerful evidence that opened the door to a new view of the intimate relationship between myth, history, science and the true destiny of humanity. Reveals the ultimate meaning underlying the resurrection of Christ, the message of the book of the Revelation, the vision of Ezekiel and the Kabbalistic concept of the “Restoration of the World”.
This video reveals the causes for the diseases listed below as well as many others, and gives the astonishing answers on how to get well - without drugs! In addition, it exposes the disastrous side effects of the drugs used to treat these disorders. Discover the cause of your disease and find out how to get well!
High blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease
Cancer: all types including leukemia and AIDS
Arthritis, lupus and sciatica
Allergies, asthma and bronchitis
Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's
Stomach ulcers and diseases of the colon
Special problems of women including menopause and osteoporosis
Flu, colds, headaches, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and many other diseases
The debate may seem simple: We went or we didn’t, right? A reasonable person will always consider more than two sides to a debate. Possibilities: 1. Everything is as claimed by NASA and there is no conspiracy. 2. In addition to the real Apollo mission there was a sound stage simulation. 3. Remotely controlled craft landed on the moon planted equipment and returned moon rocks. 4. Men really sent to the moon died of radiation and a fake team consisting of the known astronauts took credit on Earth. 5. No humans were sent to the moon but they were launched into low earth orbit and returned later. On the fringe, you'll also hear: 6. Humans went to the moon but using anti-gravity UFO technology. 7. Humans tried to go to the moon but were warned off by the aliens living there
Other titles not indexed
DIVX format Please Note: This is for 20 video files that are in DIVX format) to be played on your computer. Comes on 3 DVD data disks. THESE will not play in a standard DVD player! Videos include: 1. Project L.U.C.I.D. 2. Concentration Camps In America 3. Masonic Lodge Over Jerusalem 4. Thunder Over Zion 5. The Coming Great Thirst 6. The One World Religion Is Here Now 7. The Blind and the Dead 8. Ten Signs of the End of the World 9. Gulag USA 10. Inside The New Age 11. Magic And Mind Control in the Last Days 12. Days of Hunger, Days of Chaos 13. Bloodstained Hands of Big Brother Gov’t 14. Vatican Rising 15. Illuminati Babylon 16. The Eagle Has landed 17. Secrets of the New Age Exposed 18. Cauldron of Abaddon 19. Bible Prophecy and the World Conspiracy 20. Tower of Infamy Comes on 3 DVDs and will play on a computer with a DVD drive. Texe Marrs does NOT copyright his material and encourages distribution of his material. - - - - -
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