The stench in the air over Cairo
Jim Kirwan 2-3-11
future of this world has found its flashpoint in the streets of Cairo; because what
is being attacked there is the survival of global society worldwide. In truth we
are all under attack by these thugs regardless of the country we live in and it
is our responsibility to cut off the funding to both Israel
and to the US Government that is sending Israel
$10 million a day to keep outrages like this alive and functioning. That funding
by the United States
is what is leading this assault on Freedom. (1)
“The miserable and
unwanted Egyptian regime headed by Hosni Mubarak has started to implement the
Israeli plan for crushing the revolution in
The Zionists’ plan was prepared by the high ranks of the Israeli military and
presented by the office of the Israeli prime minister to General Omar Suleiman,
the head of the Egyptian intelligence who was recently appointed by Mubarak as
his deputy. The plan aims at crushing and ending the peaceful protest demos
which seek the end of the Mubarak regime, relying on the experience gained by
the Israeli intelligence while perpetrating atrocities against the Palestinian
resistance and peace demos in over 62 years in the occupied territories.
Mubarak told the
people with implied threats and in indirect words during his speech that they
should “go screw themselves”, and that he wanted to stay ruling
until the last day of September 2011. He further threatened the Egyptians and
offered them to choose between “quite and security under his rule” or chaos
without him. It was a clear that Mubarak was threatening the Egyptian nation,
all the nation. His speech can only be compared to the message of a crazed Roman
Emperor Nero in which he says that he wants to burn down all of Egypt
before leaving. His attitude reminds everybody of the crazy Roman Emperor Nero,
who chose to burn down Rome
before his fall.”
is at issue now is whether or not there is any law left on this planet; that can
save ordinary people from those that have enslaved billions around the world.
The people inside Revolution Square, in Cairo, are just the latest in
this ongoing war by individuals against the massive-war-machine that is funded
by US INC. and led by the Outlawed Occupation-Forces of Israel.
What Egypt
did when they cut all communications with the outside world was to attempt to
stifle any and all ability of the people inside Egypt
to communicate with the rest of the world. Similarly they turned it back on to
show the world what Israel
and US INC. want to them to seethat they are capable of doing to anyone that
challenges the Police-State in any of its various forms. Last night I dreamt
that Mubarak went on CNN to show the world what will happen to anyone that
opposes the forces that have kept him in power for over thirty years. In the
nightmare Mubarak said:
“I have authorized
the shiny machines that have frozen the people in the square, in place, and I
have given the order too burn them alive, with the whole world watching, as an
object lesson that should bring a permanent end to any resistance anywhere in
the world. I will burn Cairo
to the ground rather to submit to the will of those that are refusing to be my
That was only a nightmare,
based only on something that came into my sleep—but the effect of watching that
center of civilization in the Middle East be liquefied, just
to keep a third-rate dictator in power—set my soul on fire!
unholy relationship between the United States and Israel
is based on blackmail that is in turn based upon stolen American technology.
Here’s part of what happened when Israel
stonewalled the world and the UN in their illegal war on Lebanon.
“The people of Lebanon
have five days left to consider how they want to die. One week after this war
began, Israel
demanded "just one more week" to finish off Hezbollah and create conditions on
the ground that would include the Latani
as a permanent part of Greater Israel.
has decided to triple its invasion forces on the ground in Lebanon.
But the actions of those that control the governments of Israel
and the United States do not represent the populations of their countries. This
outrage is only the latest and most blatant, in a series of crimes that were
designed by the criminal elites to crush and control evermore of those lands
still in Arab hands. This barbaric response from The US
and Israel
is collective punishment for resisting the New Crusades that are masquerading as
"The New Middle East."
The dirty little secret
that has been hiding in plain site is that Israel
has a very large nuclear weapons arsenal. During the last Israeli war on Lebanon,
that Israel
lost miserably, some in Israel
stated that Israel
had nuclear weapons on launch pads that are targeted and ready to fire. The
targets were all the key cities of Europe and several US
cities as well. What was being imparted to the world, by some extremist Rabbis,’
was that Israel
is prepared to bring down
the whole world, rather to suffer the loss of their stolen country. The
Ashkenazi Zionists, in effect, will use the Sampson Principle of bring down the
entire temple upon their own heads; rather than to surrender one-inch of Israel’s
stolen territory.
This is the situation today
in which Americans find themselves. Always before we have remained on-the-fence;
preferring not to get personally involved. Those days are over now because if we
do nothing this time the people of the United States
will be next! That is not a supposition that is a FACT! All of the same
war-machinery that Egyptians are now facing in the streets of Cairo was
developed for use against US crowds of protestors when our turn comes to try and
untangle the hundreds of thousand of “security-webs” that have been designed to
end all of the rights that Americans continue to believe they have: Despite all
the massive evidence against the very existence of any such rights at all.
“These are some of the
findings of a two-year investigation by The Washington Post that discovered what
amounts to an alternative geography of the United States, a Top Secret America
hidden from public view and lacking in thorough oversight. After nine years of
unprecedented spending and growth, the result is that the system put in place to
keep the United States
safe is so massive that its effectiveness is impossible to determine.
(And nowhere in this is there any
provision for protecting the American public from our own criminal government).
The investigation's
other findings include: Some 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private
companies work on programs related to counterterrorism, homeland security and
intelligence in about 10,000 locations across the United States.
An estimated 854,000 people, nearly 1.5 times as many people as live in Washington, D.C., hold
top-secret security clearances. In Washington
and the surrounding area, 33 building complexes for top-secret intelligence work
are under construction or have been built since September 2001. Together they
occupy the equivalent of almost three Pentagons or 22 U.S.
Capitol buildings - about 17 million square feet of space.
Many security and
intelligence agencies do the same work, creating redundancy and waste. For
example, 51 federal organizations and military commands, operating in 15 U.S.
cities, track the flow of money to and from terrorist networks. Analysts who
make sense of documents and conversations obtained by foreign and domestic
spying share their judgment by publishing 50,000 intelligence reports each year
- a volume so large that many are routinely ignored.”
Americans need to take a
page from the peaceful rebellion in Egypt
and begin to make some citizen arrests inside the United States.
Joe Lieberman and Joe Biden come to mind. These self-described Zionists need to
be confronted by people in their home states and arrested for TREASON against
the people of this country: This needs to happen as a beginning point for us to
become involved in very real ways to begin to dismantle the Police-State and
take back this nation.
The world is living under a
threat so large that it must be dealt with from all angles. Zionist-Israel must
be removed from the Community of Nations, and charged for her crimes against
humanity and the world: Because there cannot be a world in which Israel
has any part to play, in the efforts of people anywhere, as we strive toward
staying alive to see the arrival of 2012.
1) Behind the Sun
2) Egyptian regime Applies
Israeli Plan to Crush Resistance
3) Who Will Stop the
4) Top Secret America
– Washington