Vain 6 Jan. 2020 Study Chapters 1 & 2
Join us as we read/ study this book & website:
A host presents an over view of the topic, then we discuss.
Please join us in Future Monday & Thursday sessions.
Vain Traditions Schedule
Monday 3 Feb.
Chpt Title Pages:
15 The Church, 115
16 One Teacher 122
17 Good Works 125-128
Thurs 6 Feb.
18 Once Saved Always Saved 128
19 Dispensation 136- 138
Monday 10 Feb
20 Rapture 138-149
Vain Traditions audios: Chapter 15 16 17
FXXX ull Schedule & Contents of this Vain Traditions book below
call in # 712 775 7085 enter 879 599 #
Chpt 1 & 2 recorded audio
Click to order Vain Traditions book
Lesson Chapters 1 & 2 as text 1 & 2 as audio 1, 2
6 Jan. Ted
1 Introduction ................................ 4
2 A Short Name Study ................... 5
9 Jan. Linda
3 Scriptural Quotes ........................ 14
4 Beginnings ................................. 15
13 Jan. Brian
5 Reformation and Scripture .......... 23
6 English Language and False Gods 29
16 Jan. Ted oops no recording.
7 Christianity ................................. 36
8 Pagan "Holy" Days ..................... 39
20 Jan. Linda
9 Scriptural Festivals ..................... 51
10 The Law .................................... 58
27 Jan. Ellen
11 The Fourth Commandment ........ 73
12 When Does a Day Start? ........... 82
13 Who Are Israel? ........................ 102
14 Three Gods In One .................... 104
15 The Church ............................... 115
16 One Teacher.............................. 122
17 Good Works ............................. 125
18 Once Saved Always Saved? ...... 128
19 Dispensationalism .................... 136
20 Rapture..................................... 138
21 Wrath of Judgment ................. 149
22 Heaven ..................................... 156
23 Clean and Unclean .................... 158
24 Idolatry Today .......................... X65
25 Forsake All ............................... 170
26 Tithing ...................................... 177
27 Jewish Traditions ...................... 181
28 Yahushua Vs. Jesus ................. 188
29 Mixed Worship ......................... 191
30 Was The N.T. Written In Greek ... 193
31 He Knows My Heart .................. 195
32 Pronunciation Of'a$(-A4............. 197
33 The Name of The Messiah.......... 202
34 The Name in Scripture ............... 207
35 Common Excuses Answered .. .. 215
36 What It Means to be Saved ....... 225
37 The Scriptures .......................... 229
38 Glossary .................................. 234
YouTube, or are places to start. Truth is NOT for everyone, only for
those who earnestly seek it.
Even the elect will be deceived. As they are,
Yahweh will pour out delusions on them.
TRUTH will make us free. John 8:32
Perhaps some Christian's practices/ belief are not based on original scripture.
I find this a most exciting revelation.
If you are interested in this, please contact me for more info.
Please invite others.
Sometimes we must suspend what we already know to learn the Truth.
We may also do this on Saturdays the Sabbath.
- - -
Second ONLY to our personal relationship with Yahweh God our Creator, should be our concern for truth.
Of all things to understand, shouldn't we focus on the truth of scripture ?
This group only studies scripture, they are NOT of a denomination.
They teach from original scripture:
- Yahweh God
& His Son Yahushua are specifically named and His word says call them by
Their names.
There was no letter J before 1500 A.D. in their language. Lord means Ba'al.
- Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, holidays derived from pagan religions.
Scripture shows 7 feasts, holy days in Leviticus 23 based on moon calendar.
- church is group of believers not a building.
- worship is to be done in small groups at homes, where all participate, some with scripture, hymn, or insight. Not by one preacher talking to many listening only.
- Taking Yahweh's name in vain, calling Yahweh by a different name.
The more we learn, the more we thirst to learn.
The world is deeply deceived, it's popularly accepted. Most lack curiosity to seek & know truth.
Vain Traditions book is most interesting (from their website $ 14 plus $ 3 shipping.)
Our group buys the book, reads it in parts & discuss it on our conference calls.
Initially we will meet Thursday evenings at 7 pm but maybe Saturday the Sabbath later.
We are not (supposed) to work or travel on
Sabbath (Saturday) is the 7th day of rest, worship or Sabbath, not a day of going our, of travel.
The change to Sunday worship was initiated by the Pope.
I suggest that people buy this book, then we discuss it as we read it.
To get to our conference calls, here are details. Truth Seekers
Conf. Calls: Determine the time & date
Here is the conference phone number: 712 775 7085 enter 879 599 #
Vain What Christians believe that are NOT based on original scripture.
I hope to have our host(s) thru this 31 chapter book.
Then I hope some people might volunteer to read & present on just 1 chapter.
We will hopefully do 2 chapters each week and have a 15 minute audio presentation reviewing in beginning, then discussion after that.
I hope to record & post them, so that people who don't have the book, can get a sense of what the book discusses.
Order book from their website $ 14 for book plus $ 3 shipping = $ 17
or by mail:
The Best Books Inc.- Vain Traditions
PO Box 394.
San Sebastian.
Puerto Rico [ 00685-0825 ].
Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures
Vain Tradition book
$ 14 plus $ 3 shipping.
You can pay by credit card, money order or cash.
Give them your full name/ mail address
also phone & e-mail might be handy.
I ordered that book and then bought 2 Halleluyah Scriptures bibles too for about $ 40 for both with DVD audio reading that bible.
Another good book to consider is Christianity Unmasked by Dan Chaput.
Barry is showing me books by Lew White, again discussing proper interpretation of original Hebrew writings.