2023-12-Dec-04 news
The Head of the Snake- Geneva, Switzerland
This link is video summary & narrative of this article...
Leaders of the World Economic Forum, World Health Organization and GAVI, all are headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, as well as Big Tech and Big Pharma executives, being sued for injecting a bioweapon into 5.7 billion people
The A.I. Dilemma - March 9, 2023 - YouTube more on AI
Putin Executes Defiant 5G Executives
TransHuman - Laura Aboli - the final goal. 4 min.
Teaching kids they can choose to be either sex
is an abomination destroying our civilization.
[succinct and powerful – a must watch!!]
Faked Moon Landings - articles
Nuclear Weapons - Curse on Humanity or Massive Hoax- Cowan
44 Government Documents that State the Earth is Flat, not moving nor rotating with a Dome 73 Miles High more here
1% of population rule the world, We must awaken many 1.5 minutes.
By Jerry Day. [Pay close attention and remember.]
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Deep State Controlled Demolition of America
New Zealand Police Have Arrested the Govt. COVID "VAX" Whistleblower!!!
Immigration explained in 5
minutes Brilliant !
Marking the
Masses - to change the world
A $500 Trillion dollar lawsuit is in progress against the Federal Government and over 140 Monopolists via our Republic Constitutional Convention and Court
How to LEGALLY never pay taxes again (in 10 minutes!)
The key to curing any illness.
Dr. Robert Young, It's a deficiency, not a germ ! Germ theory is dead.
What determines our health is what we: breathe, eat, drink or think ! (life style).
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Cashless Society - no money for donations, gifts, all purchases tracked & questioned.
Anonymous airline pilot exposes chemtrail operation in the U.K
U.S. Navy JAG Nabs Another CDC Official
JAG Grills Pedophile Stephen Colbert
JAG Arrests Trump-hating, vaccine-loving, liberal talk show host Stephen Colbert
Putin Bombs Big Pharma in Ukraine
JAG Opens New Jail for MSM “media personalities
Unreleased FBI footage of the 911 Pentagon aftermath
Why do Christians (Zionist) Support Israel ?
Philippines notifies WHO it rejects the amendments to International Health Regulations “in toto”
Zelensky Lives in Luxury – Top Aides Acquire $75 Million Yachts
Who Cut Down The Trees- Terry R. Eicher
$500 Trillion law suit against Federal Government 140 Monoplost- Scott Workman.
Electronic Warfare- Our bodies are biohacked - Sabrina Wallace
TacticalCivics.com/ They have 11 minute introduction video.
Here is 5 hour video lecture on Tactical Civics, reading the book by the author.
An action plan to restore our working republic.
The Head of the Snake, Geneva, Hussain Najadi, son to United Nations co-found is suing the evil people/ organizations for injecting a their bioweapon into 5.7 billion people world wide.
Now he's suing: WEF, WHO, GAVI, Big Pharma, Big Tech Big Tech executives.
Leaders of the World Economic Forum, World Health Organization and GAVI, all are headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, as well as Big Tech and Big Pharma executives.
AI Artificial Intelligence is demonic
Corporate Media (9 companies) own news, a molopoly for hiding basic truth.
UK Pfizer batches, some 50 timess worse (dangerous) than other batches. Public told all batches are the same, but it's not so. Reporter said:
1 in 200 vaccines have deadly ingredients.
If I have any info or detail incorrect, please send a correction to h@abodia.com Thanks.
We're learning together !