2023 08 17 Aug. abodia.com/1
The A.I. Dilemma - March 9, 2023 - YouTube more on AI
Putin Executes Defiant 5G Executives
Faked Moon Landings - articles
Nuclear Weapons - Curse on Humanity or Massive Hoax- Cowan
44 Government Documents that State the Earth is Flat, not moving nor rotating with a Dome 73 Miles High more here
The will be NO 5 G in Russian by Putin's orders.
On Vladimir Putin’s orders, Russian Armed Forces on Friday executed a roomful of Telecom executives who eschewed Putin’s 5G moratorium and began raising a new 5G tower in Moscow’s opulent Ramenki District, an elite neighborhood with the corresponding price tag for real estate.
Be leery in 1920 there was an entrapment plan called Operation Trust.
They assured the public that good government leaders were taking charge, in the mean time they facilitated capturing, arresting, killing ? dissidents to the new government forming. Be wise as owls, sly like fox..
Supreme Court Considers Taking Brunson v. Adams Case That Seeks to Overturn 2020 Election
Tucker Carlson speaks at the Heritage Foundation
Nuclear Weapons don't exist Aug 16th, 2023 (bitchute)
Mike Lindell Presents ‘Election Summit’: The Plan Revealed - DAY 1 - 8/16/2023
Supreme Court Considers Taking Brunson v. Adams Case That Seeks to Overturn 2020 Election
Governments are using citizens to test new experimental vaccine.Covid - jab called vaccine -
Dr. Martin - Pfizer Filed Spike Protein Patent 1990
Gordon Chang: China's 'shock troops' now inside U.S.
Freedom Articles on DEW attack on Maui
Hawaiian Governor Green admits a land grab.
other articles: Conspiracy, DEW, Free Energy, .Cashless currency, bio-weapons, Agenda 2030.