started Feb. 2005
Wake Up -
Surround us. Research by Ted
Public Speaker,
Little Rock Architect, ret. computer guru
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for Stephen
Cancer Cures collected from the internet, 1 Oct. 2018
Cancer_2015 Cancer of the Mind, pdf from Allegedly Dave - Excellent - short, simple comparison of medical profession with alternative healing.
Healing_the_Gerson_Way truth seekers Defeating Cancer and other Chronic Diseases, Charlotte Gersen, 286 pg
GersonTherapyHandbook, 149 pg
GersonTherapyBrochure, 12 pg
ferrellgerson Whale Gerson Therapy for Those Dying of Cancer, 43 pg
Gerson_history upper room Gerson’s History and The Diet Therapy, 9 pg
cancer_gersonhow Altered States Dr. Max Gerson Therapy for Cancer, 5 pg
Allegedly Dave The Human Body Owner's Workshop Manual buy the book or eBook https://www.AllegedlyDave.com/
- distilled water, - nutrition, - cancer treatments, - urine therapy & more common sense, ancient remedies.
The Human Body Owner's Workshop Manual by Allegedly Dave, 214 pages
Printed book $ 20
eBook $ 9 - I bought this eBook See Allegedly Dave's website - many other topics !!!
Allegedly Dave is brilliant on many subjects. What you believe limits or affects your health & life.
Many people ALREADY KNOW stuff so they cannot learn the suppressed truth.
They have already decided they know everything important.
To judge a matter before examining it is foolish. Proverbs 18:13
By Deception they do rule. (governments/ corporations/ evil people)
By OBSERVATION & REASON, we can step out of their control.
Ted host https://abodia.com with nearly 1/2 million visitors or hits.
May God bless us all. I'd love to hear from you anytime.
A New Reality at www.abodia.com/book
Ted on Health Much more at that link samples here below
"There are only three major
causes of illness:
- malnutrition, - toxins and - stress.
Dr. Robert Rowen
Cancer Cures
Laura Day, MD, Diagnosed with terminal cancer 30 years ago, She was Chief of Staff for San Francisco General 5th largest hospital in world 15 years, Quit that day (she learned she had cancer), downloaded people who were cured with alternative methods. Her first attempt almost killed her, second cured her.