Feb 15    Chief Justice Scalia murders, New Republic to be Announced, Clif High - webbot predictions

Oregon Common Law Jury to prosecute Governor for murder by federal agents of Robert LaVoy Finnicum, land owner


Scalia was murdered.  Law requires autopsy, but NONE will be preformed to hide the fact he was MURDERED and did not die of heart attack.

Banks are preparing for Banking emergency, when you can't go to your bank to get money, nor use an ATM card.




Published on Feb 7, 2016
COLLAPSE / CRISIS – Insider Says Bank Is Preparing For Emergency Scenario 
A Wells Fargo bank insider, who claims to be a teller, has said that the bank are training their staff to deal with an imminent “emergency scenario”. The insider reports:

I am a teller at Wells Fargo here in the US this is also my first time using this proxy. They started training us today for a bank holiday. They didn't mention the word bank holiday, but they did train us for an “emergency scenario”. They told us it’s just a drill. I've been working here for 3 years, and we never had a drill before.. They said that during an emergency, they would close the doors and only allow 3 people at a time inside of the branch. Also, my branch manager said that we would have armed guards during the emergency. If taken at face value and believed, why would Wells Fargo be doing this? What “emergency” could take place that might cause people to swarm to a bank in such numbers that they would have to lock the bank and only allow three customers in at a time? 

A bank collapse? An economic collapse? a Currency collapse? None of these things would be good and if the claims above are true, it is a dangerous signal to the rest of us to get some money out to tie-us-over for a month or so in the event everything shuts down.

In a banking emergency, CREDIT AND DEBIT CARDS WILL NOT WORK. ATM’s will not work. Banks will be closed so that you cannot even enter your own safe deposit box.

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Cliff High with his webbot, confirms the financial collapse, failure of commerce, services, etc. Skip to 10 minutes in if you don't want to know process, just predictions


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Regarding Murder in Oregon of land owner by feds.

Notice and Demand

To: We the people of Oregon                                         February 15, 2016

From:  Ronald C. Vrooman in propria persona, Sui juris, adult, male, sovereign Oregonian, a member of we the people in our constitutional republic, bound by my oath in 1956 to the Constitution of the United States of America circa 1819 thru 1860-61. And by unrebutted affidavit.

And  Ronald Charles Vrooman Private Attorney General by the united States Congress 42 U.S.C.1988 and also 18 U.S.C.1510 and 18 U.S.C. 1512 and to be known as “One of the People” also “Qualified Criminal Investigator” and “”Federal Witness” and by unrebutted affidavit

It has come to my knowledge that there are several acts, repugnant to the Constitution of the United States of America and the Oregon Constitution, being perpetrated upon “we the People” and as “one of the People’

Action is taken: Against the acting appointed governor of this state of Oregon Katherine Brown she represents the de facto state of Oregon. Not the dejure Oregon State. The action is to search for a Grand Jury Guaranteed by our Constitution that will hear the case of her culpability in the murder of Robert LaVoy Finnicum.  Upon presentation of the evidence such as publicly broadcasting her request that the Federal Government assist her state of Oregon Forces in removing the occupiers of the property in Harney County.  Or for a Constitutionally compliant Sheriff in Oregon to arrest Katherine Brown for due cause.


To paraphrase  ORS I do not have to provide legal conforming documents. I was warned about ORS 162.335 Simulating Legal process. I aim for lawful, and provide my best effort. Those that chose to read this are to provide their best effort.

Patterns and Practices by Katherine Brown to lead up to the culpability she incurred in the homicide of Robert LaVoy Finnicum.


To paraphrase  ORS I do not have to provide legally conforming documents. I was warned about ORS 162.335 Simulating Legal process. I aim for lawful process and provide my best effort. Those who choose will read this are expected to provide their own best interpretation.

Patterns and Practices by Katherine Brown will provide the evidence that will lead up to the culpability she incurred in the homicide of Robert LaVoy Finnicum.

They range from;

1.  unlawful actions while a person is not officially elected to office;

2. persecuting Oregonians with bogus stalking orders;

3. using private attorneys when the law requires the Attorney General provide attorneys;

4.Using official government sources for personal gain while in elected and appointed government positions.

5. scoff-law "I'm above the law; if I do it, it is lawful

6.Kate is the Dept of Education #1 the ORS demands 5 years of Constitutional education starting in 8th grade. She flaunts that law and the school districts disobey the ORS on education to teach common core and collect moneys for the, for profit, color of government. Unconstitutional

7.  The acting appointed governor Katherine Brown broke ORS with her appointment to #2 in Dept of Education to an unqualified person.

8.The current Attorney General denied a Petititon for Redress of Grievances, she did not even attend the scheduled conference. Ellen works for Kate they are in Contempt of the Constitution. Both federal and state lawful Constitutions.

9.the governments of the bogus de-facto DMV, under Kates administration continue to defraud the people with unlawful taxes. fees and services

10.    Salem at the legislative, executive and judicial have all been informed that the fraud of Article VII amended and they continue to defraud. scoff law attitude part of patterns and practices this current appointed government governor Katherine Brown 


 They range from unlawful actions while a person unelected to office; persecuting Oregonians with bogus stalking orders; using private attorneys when the law requires the Attorney General provide attorneys; using official government sources for personal gain while in elected and appointed government positions. It also includes evidence that Katherine Brown over stepped her authority and ethics by using an attorney from the Attorney General’s office to defend her in a private matter. This amounts to using government funds unlawfully and accepting a gift to large for the office of governor. I have personal knowledge of most of the items in pattern and practices the details and more will be presented at the appropriate time to the Grand Jury.


The agreement is published in the Constitution of the United States of America circa 1860 and the Oregon Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation and the Northwest Ordnance.  Fraud has been committed by Katherine Brown she has pretended to be various elected government officials presumed to be as a public servant to our sovereign Oregonian state. While actually fulfilling a position in a type of government service corporation. As such she has no authority on the land of Oregon nor do her minions such as the Oregon State Police, which participated in the government execution of Robert La Voy Finnicum.


Robert LaVoy Finnicum was persecuted by US and state of Oregon and Sheriff of Harney County unto death. All other charges pale next to this.  They are however included and will be individually named at the proper time. All the likely ones of civil rights, due process, assalt, battery, attempted murder, theft, perjury, unlawfull arrest of sovereign Americans and unlawful incarceration of individuals to be named as the other perpetrators of these crimes at the proper time.


You have a moral, legal, and lawful duty to not cause the people injury. The same holds true to those that are party to this due to the communication restraints placed upon them. In accordance to the Universal imperatives, you and yours must not engage in any activity such as: murder, attempted murder, extortion, lying, or breach of our sovereign rights and due process. The Universal Imperatives are codified. The ORS also state you must protect Oregonians so that others can do us no harm.


The Factual Background indicated that several persons in addition to Katherine Brown are criminally responsible for the actions done to Robert LaVoy Finnicum and others. I will not reiterate them again.


This is impossible in the matter of Lavoy. Bind them with the chains of the Constitution as they have become criminals. However, the charges eventually brought and tried must be up to the task of demanding full penance and total available restitution to all people victimized by the corrupted governments of the US, state of Oregon and the County of Harney


That a common law grand jury lawfully constituted in Oregon hear the charges and provide the proper documents for the arrest of Katherine Brown and all her minions for the crimes contained in this notice and demand.

The reason for a common law grand jury to hear this are many and a few are listed here: the federal government is vacant in all or most of the elected offices, there are only corporation representatives available pretending in color of government; our Oregon government suffers the same lack of lawful Constitutionally authorized public servants. The legislature, judicial and executive branches have been operating Oregon in color of government and color of law since Nov.8, 1910 when the bogus Article VII amended was unlawfully added to the constitution. Therefore, common law of the Constitution of the United States of America and Oregon Constitution is the only legitimate source of justice, in Oregon.

Ronald Vrooman



Beaverton, OR ​[​ 97007  ​]​