Quotes on Truth below      top of page

By government & media:

Our country has become like Nazi Germany in WW II

Propaganda Minister Goebbels stated clearly:


A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.

If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself.

If you repeat a lie often enough it becomes accepted as truth.

If you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth.

If you tell a lie, tell a big one.

           It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.

           ... the rank and file are usually much more primitive than we imagine. Propaganda must therefore always be essentially simple and repetitious.

           Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.

           The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.

        Quotes on Truth     - - ^ top of page

I will talk/ correspond, with anyone, any time, on many subjects.

I don't claim credit as the source of info in my library, but

I can give most anyone alternative information about 100s of subjects,

much of which YOU have not formerly seen.

Wake Up America, we are being deceived in many ways.

As we accept that deception, we destroy our lives, livelihood, our rights & property.

Life is like a vocabulary test.  Know the words, their meaning, to play the game of life.

Life is largely about managing information.

Rather than just blindly accepting mainstream news, we need to engage in critical thinking,

especial teaching our children to think more independently.

Let me hear from you, please.

Let me show you that you can mail for 2 ¢.

The expression, get your 2 ¢ in, still means publically expressing your opinion.

Anyone can (& should) do this.

If we abandon, forget, or don't stand on our rights, we'll soon loose them.

With God & men, ALL things are voluntary.

No one nor organization can lawfully act against you unless you first consent to their control.

Life is self fulfilling prophecy.  What you believe is a limit to what you can achieve.

Learn: Change your thoughts, change your life.

Join us on our Tuesday evening conference calls.  


All people welcome, introduce any subject.

    Quotes on Truth:

It ain't so much what we don't know that's the problem; it's what we do know that just ain't so. - Will Rogers

The only certain barrier to truth is the belief you already have the truth. – Voltaire

Be open minded, consider alternative information.

There are none so hated as those who speak truth. - Plato

There are none so enslaved as those who think they are free. - Goethe

It is easier to fool someone than to convince them they were fooled. – Mark Twain

It is normal, when you see an idea that's different than what  you now know, you reject the new idea.

Cognitive dissonance is when you suspect alternative information is true, but you stubbornly refuse to consider it.  When you do consider it, find it true, then you must change your actions, else you'd then be a hypocrite.

I have assembled & share a library of about 1/3 million files; documentaries, interviews, books, articles, links, etc.  I can give you precious insights when we establish ways to communicate.  I personally may lack deep knowledge on some subjects, but I share incredible thoughts of others.

    Here are 3 personality types

- Those who create, invent, discover or who can simply explain some thing.

- Those of us who can read, learn, discover what others have concluded.

- The general population.  They are apathetic, think they do not have freedom or control, yield to any seeming authority without question or resistance.  These people deny they have any responsibility to what happens to all of us.

You must consider, study the small deceptions around us before you could possibly consider the huge deceptions, coming from our highest, most trusted authorities.

I believe as I do as I've found 1,000s of confirmation.

For 20 years, I've done research full time, without payment nor remuneration.  When you see the world I see, we are compelled to seek, find, confirm, act & standing truth.  We must as so few are those who feel this responsibility.

Responsibility: the ability to respond, the duty to respond.

I share 100s of quotes, bits of knowledge in focused, clear wording.

I collect & connect people & ideas.

Patiently Persist with Prayer & Purpose, until we Prevail.

NetFlix has a heart warming, inspirational movie, Queens Gambit about a young orphaned girl who learns to play Chess, winning in more & more completive contests, eventually winning against Russians in International Chess competitions. Follow her maturing, gaining confidence as she encounters greater & greater obstacles.

I intend to entertain & to inform via internet, calls, mailings.

Let me hear from you.

Ted Elden, Jan. 2025


304 344 2335, voice or text

abodia.com/te        Fun stuff, quotes, jokes, articles, photos & aerial photos

abodia.com/photography   1,000s of photos, people, weddings, events, ...

ThoughtPrint.org       How to find or confirm anything.

TopORock.net            Studio of Elden Architects & several businesses.

abodia.com/mail/1        about mail

abodia.com/hoax        commonly accepted news but is a hoax

abodia/com/911           What Really Happened on 9-11

Language is the limit to our thought.

If we lack a word for some thing or event, then we can't lable it, remember it nor tell someone else.

I work with people like me who have been doing research for years to see the suppressed truth.  abodia.com has huge information.

Telegram is an app for phone or computer.

You can read there of articles, documentaries, facts, books that have been long expressed.

We who use telegram can share these articles & documentaries with other Telegram community, but cannot easily share to people who don't use Telegram.  Join Telegram & have quick access to info before I even see or learn of it.  Thanks ! ! !

Without Telegram or without fact, evidence, witnesses, you cannot believe the conclusions.  Our beliefs are bound by the info we get.  We can passively let mainstram news lie to us, or we can, individually seek the suppressed info.

By deception, we are ruled.

The Secret  Covenant is frightening & I think true.

Yet, those of who fear Yahuah, called God, are protected, guided & blessed by Him.

Truth will make us free. John 8:32

Watch the     Fall of the Cabal

See how truth is quashing the evil around us.

National & world authorities are being exposed in their crimes against humanity, arrested, tried in court, imprisoned or executed.  Huge on going battle gaining more & more exposure.