2025 January research by Ted       at abodia.com/c

There is NO VIRUS, never in all time, all over earth, by any man or institute.

Read from many doctors, groups showing that world wide, no doctor, nurse, hospital, health organization nor government have ever shown physical evidence that any virus exist.  Its a Big Pharma con / deception to frighten people to take the toxic mix in the jab called a vaccine.

What we see is NOT a virus explained.

Articles about the "virus" covid, vaccines, mandates, masks, soc. distancing, 100s, 1,000s of articles of harm, threat, damage, illness & deaths cause world wide from the jab.

More on virus, covid, vaccine, vocabulary   

Propaganda Minister Goebbels stated clearly:

   By Deception we are ruled.

Secret Covenant, what dark forces, people are doing to kill, steal & destroy us, our rights, property, justice.

More on truths

abodia.com/c/ted_2024  Fun things I enjoyed in 2024, ted

Tuesday evening we do conference calls.

Everyone welcome, open topics, law, rights, health, money ...

Mail letters for 2 cents only postage.

abodia.com has about 10,000 articles I wrote & posted, Ted Elden.