Flat Earth Intl Conf 2018 Outline

fe2018.com - website & conference

Faked Moon Landing & Flat Earth

More on this subject is found here

www.abodia.com/hoax    click Flat Earth

Topics on this page:

Flat Earth International Conference - top of page - ^

15-16 Nov. Denver, Colo..

FE2018.com is their website.

For you, I list and link to some of their content.

I recorded these presentations live and or downloaded a similar presentation.

I put my collection of all this information on a DVD to send to people. 

Here is a directory of what I captured and or converted or made notes about.

 Directory of these subjects::

- FE Intl Conf. '18 Video Presentations    top - ^

- Flat Earth Man - Songs

- FEIC '18 Notes

- Slides from the presentations:

- Flat Earth You Tube titles

- Outline - FEIC 2018

- Speakers Websites

- Rob Skiba - Canadian Flat Earth Conference Day 1

- Here is our world - Ted on Truth

- start here

- Flat Earth Intl. Conference about

- FE2018- Denver Speakers Nov. 2018

- Flat Earth Clues interview 172 Abodia - Mark Sargent

- About 2018 Flat Earth International Conference


- FE Intl Conf. '18 Video Presentations, # hours/ minutes of presentation     1st - - - - top - ^

 1 Rob Skiba FE Man. 2:10 min.

 3 Nathan Thompson FaceBook 50.

 4 Karen B 45 many conspiracies.

 6 Skiba Debate. 1:35

 9 Iru Landucci - NASA Faking Space Since 1958 2:10

12 Globe Busters 45.

13 Zen Garcia 45.

16 Allegedly Dave M 15.

16 Marty Leeds 47.

20 FE Mega Panel 40.

21 FE Man 47.

25 Thur pm Sargent Iru & Skiba '17 2-30

Apollo Director's Notes 7th Day Truth Seeker Mirror

Faking Space - Image Analysis Series Tools Introduction


- Flat Earth Man - Songs    top - ^

His songs were preformed and are on his website. They are catchy tunes and the lyrics simplify and focus on th obvious deceptions.

Perhaps they don't teach these deceptions, but they remind us of deceptions we've covered

Songs by Flat Earth Man

MTV Style Song Presentations

'Puppet Show' - an ISS expose

Awesome Flat Earth Song - No Photographs of Earth

Do you still believe we went to the moon

Don't Believe in Gravity - Flat Earth Man

Space is Fake! - Flat Earth Man Exposes Space Fraud!

The BEST flat earth song EVER

Welcome to the Satellite Hoax - Flat Earth Man

Flat Earth Man Live! - Welcome to the Satellite Hoax

Flat Earth Man Live! - Welcome to the Satellite Hoax

I Don't Wanna Talk About NASA

               9 File(s)    394,365,989 bytes


- FEIC '18 Notes   top - ^

Apollo Moon Mission Film showing the photos/ videos were filmed a week BEFORE the actual mission.

Apollo 17 1 Apollo 17 2

Distance to Sun - logic.

FE  Outline.

FE 2018 Flat Earth Intl Conf about.

FE 2018 Registration

FE Flat Earth Intl Conf Notes.

FE Map

FE Speaker Schedule.

FE Speaker Schedule extended.

FE Speakers photos & website names.mht

FE Speakers Websites.

Flat Earth - Rob Skiba - Canadian

Flat Earth Conference.doc

Flat Earth You Tubes.doc


Moon Landing Hoax.doc


- Slides from the presentations:   top - ^

Slides- Dave

01 thru 21                 21 File(s)

Slides- Jeran

1 thru 36                   36 File(s)         23,507,441 bytes

Slides- Karen B      94 File(s)         62,516,576 bytes

Slides- Landucci    40 File(s)         38,118,153 bytes

Slides- Rob              66 File(s)        43,122,345 bytes

         Total Files Listed:

        309 File(s)  4,971,955,870 bytes

         26 Dir(s)  119,790,759,936 bytes free


- Flat Earth You Tube titles   top - ^

Epic Deception I Flat Earth Documentary

ODD Reality               419K views

NASA Fails Again & Again I Space is Fake I Glitch on the ISS

ODD Reality               583K views

The Best Flat Earth Documentary

Eric Dubay                  47K views

IMPOSSIBALL d Flat Earth Documentary (2017)

Celebrate Truth           808K views

Planet Flat Earth 12018 Nature Documentary II

ODD Reality               1.7M views

A Stranger's Guide to Flat Earth 1 21 Questions and Answers (Proving The E...

ODD Reality   1 M views

History of Fake Space I Outer Space Does Not Exist ,`

ODD Reality               149K views

Apollo 11 Press Conference Motherboard 298K views


- Outline - FEIC 2018   top - ^

by Ted E

I share what I saw and learned in streaming ALL of the Presentations of Flat Earth Intl. Conference, 15-16 Nov. 2018 in Denver, Colo.

I recorded over 12 hours of presentations.  Most are titled by the speaker and each in a separate avi video file.  I send to anyone on a DVD disc. They are 4+ GB total size.  You could copy or play them on  computer, tablet or phone.

Beyond just the recordings I include other info. that info may be on this disc in text and or MS Word files.

I knew some of these speaker's work previously.  Most of the speakers were new to me.  If you learn the speaker's names, from the Index or Table of Speakers, you can search You Tube or the internet to hear, read or see more of their work.

Iru Landucci offered great graphics in his power point presentations and he shows more like that on You Tube.  He is from Argentina.  It is a little difficult to understand his English speaking.

The other speakers, like Jeran & Mark Sargent have many presentations on You Tube.

You could spend 100s of hours just learning from what they already have on the internet, or you can get a short focused view of their primary work by watching their presentations in this recent FEIC Conference 2018.

Karen B was a little confused as she spoke from scrambled notes, but her content was excellent.  I looked her up on the internet and found possibly a better presentation by her.

She talks very simply and basically about many conspiracies around us.

We know well that most people choose not to see they are being deceived - but as Karen shows, the deceptions are so obvious and the damage so severe that many people should Wake Up and pay attention.

That also is my theme.

Anyone who would look at the facts can see they are true, or soon investigate and know.

Ignoring or hiding the huge conspiracies on going around us is the purpose of mainstream news.

We would not let it happened, we'd protest, rebel, not cooperate if we, our society, understood all the deceptions.

Many people/ most people choose to ignore these incredible presentations/ revelations, completely relying on (lying) news by corporations as the corporations  increase their control and destroy our lives, wealth, health and even out ability to observe and reason.

I recently bought Allegedly Dave's book The Human Body, Owner's Manual.  It has great concepts for restoring  health.

My website: www.abodia.com/hoax

Flat Earth, links to the famous, simple, powerful Flat Earth Clues 1-11 by Mark Sargent, who has also spoken on our abodia Truth Seeker conference calls.

Flat Earth MAY be the fastest growing topics on the internet.

Those who have tried to disprove it, soon become Flat Earth believers.

The globe model fails in many ways.  It is supported by 100s of faked CGI (computer Graphic Images) photos, videos, events, concepts, and presentations by (Masonic) NASA, who spends $ 50+ million dollars a day of our tax dollars.

Simple people like the speakers at FEIC disprove the billion dollar presentations of NASA very easily.

Think & Observe and you too can find a New Realty that surround us now.

 The FEIC cost $ 280 to attend. 


- Speakers Websites   top - ^        Hold control while clicking to open in separate tab in Internet Exporer.

My Path to the Flat Earth - YouTube

Marty Leeds33 - YouTube

Jeranism - YouTube


ODD Reality - YouTube

Fake Moon Landing As Seen On TV Movies & Television -YouTube

Faking Space Series – Paul On The PlaneDITRH - YouTube

Disney Presents NASA on Thin Ice Buzz Aldrin and the Masonic Moon -YouTube

 Conspiracy Man Music



Iru Landucci: Satellites [GLOBEBUSTERS]



Flat Earth English Version w/ Iru Landucci 



Flat Earth Advanced - Geology Revived Documentary 



The Book of Enoch Complete Edition 

https://youtu.be/CO22j5Fqx-4    3:27

Video depicts 3D model of Biblically and extra-Biblically described enclosed, Flat Earth. The book of Enoch is a slam-dunk for the Flat Earth.
You simply cannot get away from the way the Earth is consistently described in the ancient Hebrew texts.


ThunderBoltProject - energy > gravity

Earth's magnetic Fields & Lay Lines

Jack Parsons, JPL, Jet Propulsion Labs, occult ceremonies, Crowley, Summoning Demons, Almond heads like later Aliens.


Nathan Thompson FE on You Tube

InstaGram The Globe is Flat

Nathan leads 120,000 FB talking of the shape of the earth.


The earth is: Not Spinning, Not Orbiting, Not Moving


"Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph."

Haile Selassie.

We must unlearn what we have learned. Yoda

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

- Arthur C. Clarke, Science Fiction Writer, Inventor of the Geo Synchronous (Stationary) Communication Satellites

Flat Earth Fully Explained 


- - -

- Rob Skiba - Canadian Flat Earth Conference Day 1     top - ^



Day 2 also on You Tube


Debunking Flat Earth 101 - Rob Skiba

Going from the globe idea to Flat Earth.

Points to consider:

1. Never forget.. we used to be you. (We once believed in globe)

2. None of us belong to "The Flat Earth Society".

3. NO ONE believes the upward floating disk theory of "gravity".

4. You guys don't know anything more about "gravity" than we do.

5. You can't just insert FE Into the Copernican model of the universe.

6. Do at least SOME research Into JPL, NASA, Freemasons, Nazis, etc.

7. Learn what a fish-eye lens is and what it does to Images.

8. You don't have a working map/model either.

9. Relax - No one is falling off the edge of anything.

10. Most of your typical "Top Reasons..." videos are easy to debunk.

11. Please try to keep up with the rest of the class.

12. (For Christians): The Bible is a flat Earth book from cover to cover.


- Here is our world - Ted on Truth   top - ^

Some people know the truth.

To hold power & control over others,

they hide the truth and teach or tell lies.

            Illuminati, secret societies, Skull & Bones, Bilderberger, CFR, Committee of 300, Rhodes Scholars, …


They have huge money & power.

They pay their staff:

Congressmen, teachers, professors, government workers.

They pay others to teach as truth the lies they tell.


Now we all live in those lies, thinking that what is popular, mainstream, given is true.


How can we ever escape the power and control of these people?


Very simple.  Learn the truth.


I have found 100s of such truths.

I study things I knew were not true.

I was only curious why some crazy person would say these things.

As I study them, I find they are true.


You can live in the twisted world we are all taught, or you can stand up, learn truth and be free.


The truth will make you free.  John 8:32


I think the best place to - start is here:   top - ^

https://abodia.com/fe  Flat Earth


You are NOT depending on me to tell you truth.  I have only gathered excellent materials by others that show obvious things that anyone can understand.


You fear to consider these as you think others will mock you.


So be it.  I am extremely happy in my world of truth.


I pray that others may open their mind, to see the HUGE deceptions around us, that they might also learn truth and be set free.


Most important is to know and commune with Jesus Christ.


2nd only, learn & know truth.

It is the only firm foundation in these times of extreme turmoil & confusion.


Why do many deceptions surround us ?


Because that is how other people gain power & control over us/you.


They tax, fine, summon, jail and keep you in fear & submission.


You are a unique child of God, for a purpose, with infinite potential.  God does not want us to fall under the power of deceptive men.  God wants you to enjoy life abundantly to the fullest.


Being fooled by men is a silly position to take.


I have studied the Flat Earth for at least 100 hours, gathering many books describing it and phenomena about it.


Space is a Hoax.  NASA did not put men on the moon.


You can believe anything, but the more you examine the facts, the sooner you will be connected to the truth.


By Observation & Reason, I can lead most people to the truths that we see.


Truth is NOT who tells you something.


Truth is what you can understand yourself, by Observation & Reason.


To know and understand Flat Earth is to know God & His creation surrounding us.

NASA has spent $ billions leading us away from seeing God's creation all around us. 

They spew a huge, complex tale of fiction, thru convincing Computer Generated Images & video.


To see any popular movie in the theater, you can understand how with CGI, computer generated images, they can imagine and MAKE LOOK REAL all the false things that NASA says.

A 1902 movie of going to the moon repeated the same illusions that people believe today thru NASA.


Are we fixed (stubborn) in what we know or do we still have the capacity to learn ?


You have to suspend some beliefs while you are considering new information.


- Flat Earth Intl. Conference about       FE2018.com    top - ^


About the 2018 Flat Earth International Conference


Join us this November to learn why we dissent from the spinning heliocentric theory of cosmology. At the 2018 Flat Earth International Conference, we will uncover and debunk pseudo-scientific “facts” while presenting the true evidence which shockingly points to our existence on a flat, stationary plane.


The 2018 Flat Earth International Conference (FEIC) is the 2nd annual conference hosted by Kryptoz Media. FEIC features presenters from various backgrounds and belief systems who have each made an impact on the larger Flat Earth community. FEIC is not in any way affiliated with the Flat Earth Society.


“People still believe the earth is flat!?” We maintain that the earth is flat and stationary, but we weren’t born into this way of thinking. Like you, we grew up believing in a heliocentric globe-earth model. After extensive experimentation, analysis, and research, we have come to know that the truth of our cosmology is not that which we’ve been told.


“Will I fall off of the edge?” No. Though there are varying models within the flat earth community, the most commonly depicted model of our earth is that of a circular disk with Antarctica serving as an ice wall barrier. Example: 


(Image Credit: www.TestingTheGlobe.com


“Is NASA lying?” We believe that government space agencies are taking creative liberties with your tax dollars and producing misleading materials. Did you know that all images of the earth which show a curved horizon or a spherical shape are:


For general media inquiries, interview requests, Sponsorship/Exhibitors info or the acquisition of an event press badge please Click Here or contact Robbie Davidson of Kryptoz Media, FEIC event organizer, by email: robbied(AT)gmail.com  


For questions pertaining to ticket purchase, conference information, contact Rachel Davidson of Kryptoz Media, FEIC event planner, by email:flatearthconference(AT)gmail.com or create a support ticket. https://FE2018.com/support 



More about the event:


use hashtag: #FEIC2018

Dave Murphy

D Murphy 5 on You Tube


- FE2018- Denver Speakers Nov. 2018   top - ^


Rob Skiba                 Testing The Globe

Patricia Steere          Flat Earth & Other Hot Potatoes

Jeran Campeanella Jeranism

Bob Knodel               GlobeBusters        & Cami Knodel

Iru Laducci                Nur for Everyone

Karen B. Endecott   Karen B.

David Weiss              DITRH

Darryle Marble          D. Marble

Robbie Davidson     organizer

Zen Garcia                Sacred Word Publishing

Mark Sargent            Enclosed World        Flat Earth Clues

  Search Flat Earth Clues, leads to his channels, to his name

Flat Earth Man          Conspiracy Music Guru

Nathan Thompson      FB 120,000 worldwide

Dave Murphy            dMurphy25

Rick Hummer            FECORE

Matt Long                  FlatWorth

Richard Hopkins      MrThrive&Survive

Paul on the Plane   POTP

Dave Marsh

Joshua Swift             Authentic Intent

Nathan Robers         Flat Earth Doctrine

Chad Taylor              Where Are We?

Dr. Robert Sungenis

Nate Wolfe                FireForTruth


Johanthan Christopulos    The Morgile

Marty Leeds  MartyLeeds33 ?+


MUDFOSSIL University      https://www.mudfossils.com/




Dr. Robert Sungenis


Nate Wolfe    FiredForTruth

Chad Taylor  Where Are We?


- Flat Earth Clues interview 172 Abodia - Mark Sargent


When Mark spoke on Ted Elden's abodia Truth Seekers Conf. Call.

2 October, 2018


- About 2018 Flat Earth International Conference   top - ^

 The Flat Earth International Conference is an educational endeavor composed of individuals and organizations uniting around the common purpose of the true scientific inquiry of the created earth.

Most people today subscribe to the espoused heliocentric globe model explanation of our cosmology, which contends that:

·                    The earth spins at 1,040 miles per hour while traveling around the sun at 66,000 miles per hour;

·                    meanwhile, the entire solar system moves through the milky way galaxy at 490,000 miles per hour

·                    as the milky way galaxy darts through infinite space at over 1 million miles per hour

However, every experiment ever conducted to prove even the simple spin of the earth has failed!

Join us this November to learn why we dissent from the spinning heliocentric theory of cosmology. At the 2018 Flat Earth International Conference, we will uncover and debunk pseudo-scientific “facts” while presenting the true evidence which shockingly points to our existence on a flat, stationary plane.

About Us

The 2018 Flat Earth International Conference (FEIC) is the 2nd annual conference hosted by Kryptoz Media. FEIC features presenters from various backgrounds and belief systems who have each made an impact on the larger Flat Earth community. FEIC is not in any way affiliated with the Flat Earth Society.


“People still believe the earth is flat!?” We maintain that the earth is flat and stationary, but we weren’t born into this way of thinking. Like you, we grew up believing in a heliocentric globe-earth model. After extensive experimentation, analysis, and research, we have come to know that the truth of our cosmology is not that which we’ve been told.

“Will I fall off of the edge?” No. Though there are varying models within the flat earth community, the most commonly depicted model of our earth is that of a circular disk with Antarctica serving as an ice wall barrier. Example:

(Image Credit: www.TestingTheGlobe.com)

“Is NASA lying?” We believe that government space agencies are taking creative liberties with your tax dollars and producing misleading materials. Did you know that all images of the earth which show a curved horizon or a spherical shape are:

·                    Computer Generated Images (CGI, proven with photoshop programs and analysis),

·                    Artistic Renderings (acknowledged by NASA), or

·                    Captured via fisheye/wide-angle curved lens (producing a curved appearance)


For general media inquiries, interview requests, Sponsorship/Exhibitors info or the acquisition of an event press badge please Click Here 

or contact Robbie Davidson of Kryptoz Media, FEIC event organizer, by email: robbied(AT)gmail.com


For questions pertaining to ticket purchase, conference information, contact Rachel Davidson of Kryptoz Media, FEIC event planner, by email: FlatEarthConference (AT) gmail.com