Misc. notes
Mail Rules Feb '22 shows US is private corp.
Mail & postage rates are mentioned at the end of this writing.
I try to connect people & ideas. As we learn about each other, we can talk/ exchange information, perhaps both teach & learn. I've written & posted 10,000 pages on my website. As we learn of and for each other we can help each other, and attract & influence other people as we acquire & focus our knowledge. Testing is a quick way to learn, faster than reading & study.
To tell a person what they know is wrong, that is a very mean thing to do, however, if someone, some where actually reads this, thinks about it and gets a benefit, that is the person who I am trying to reach.
There are many things we do to yet know and some things, we have a simple or wrong idea. It may be easier to learn something completely unknown before than to learn that something we "already know" is wrong and to learn the truth about it.
We are all different in many ways, but are we all not Children of Yahuah, God, our creator ? I think God puts us here and introduces us to each other that the best of our knowledge, our truth, might arise (in conversation), be shared, and be achieved by any of us who did not know the truth. Truth will make us Free. John 8:32, People perish for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6
I am truly sorry I talk so much. I only talk that I might hear your response, on any subject.
If you speak, for or against, what I say, then I have some idea how you think.
All things, in the final analysis are related to our relation to God. He intends to guide, protect & bless us, but by our own thoughts & action we encourage Him to help or ignore us.
The material or physical world is liked to the non-physical, It is easier to resolve things as thoughts & ideas before they become physical things.
I cannot motivate you to be interested in my subjects, but I am certain you would have a benefit if you actually follow my ideas, test & establish them.
These ideas are not unique to me. Many do these things and they get a benefit.
It is kind that anyone tells me they got my mail.
Some will send me a copy or an image of the envelop that arrives so I can see what is the form of how I mailed and I can see if the postman canceled, or postmarked my mail to you.
I am learning, learning, learning. I am breaking down old ideas that were a yoke, a limit to what I thought & did.
Welcome to a new world all around us, right now and attainable by our thoughts & actions.
Let me hear from you.
We all have different knowledge, experience, some things we fear, and of other things we feel safe, comfortable & or confident. I share my ideas that other may consider them. You can evaluate from what you know or you could investigate further.
My writings on abodia.com are always more complete, detailed, articulate than individual letters. Look here abodia.com/mail
We often reject an idea as being different from what we know, but occasionally, when we see a new idea, we consider it and even test or accept it. That is learning.
Adults have a propensity to reject new ideas as if what they "already know" is superior, fact, true, inviolate.
I am the odd guy who investigated many things I thought were wrong or in error, only finally determining they are actually true, viable, relevant & important. Hence my writing to you now.
Listen to learn, talk to teach.
If we are always talking, we block hearing and getting information.
I like ideas. They can be true, false, untested, not working, etc. but in variations of an idea, I can take an idea that does not work, and get it to work for me. Other can take ideas that work for me, and they, lacking confidence or commitment, can fail in using those same ideas.
We all experience life differently.
Simple ideas may interconnect to explain or prove more complex ideas. Complex ideas may be analyzed or broken down to more simple ideas.
We can evaluate things against what we already know and or we can learn new things, even fundamental things.
We must first grasp an idea to evaluate it. Imagine a table 6 feet long, 3 feet wide, 3 feet above the floor. We make a picture or a model in our head, and then we can experiment or do thought experiments on or about it.
If we cannot, or will not make or imagine a model & study it, we deny knowing things at a deeper level. Many make a model in their head, or describe in their words (written or spoken). Some of us can get that model, or imagine that & also do thought experiments.
Some people require a physical thing, or photos or videos to know, understand, prove or illustrate something.
Some of us are more confidence, artful and or more skilled or practiced at imagining things. We don't need to have physical proof before us, we can work in the field of principles, images, or our imagination.
Some would try to fool us, while other are just trying to explain things to us.
I personally, by myself, have mailed over 46,840+ cards & letters to other people to show that anyone can mail for 2 ¢ postage.
Many people will go to extremes to not consider that they can do this. They say they never mail to anyone, they do their bills on line.
I say mail a newspaper clipping to a friend or family. Test what I say.
They say it might work for me, or it might accidentally go thru the mail, but it is not allowed that they should do it.
We have an imagination. We get clues from school, news, government, books or reports.
We make a cage around us with our mind. We fear things and will not act that might cause us harm, embarrassment, loss etc.
What I use to imagine that might harm me, get in trouble with the "law", I tested and found there is no loss, harm, criticism, or anything bad.
Initially I may have been criticized, but I just kept doing 2 ¢ mail. Now I mail over 100 letters in a single day. They go forth quickly without delay nor criticism. They are received quickly. People send me a photo of the way my envelops looks when they receive them.
Perhaps you imagine some bad thing that would happen to you if you mailed for 2 ¢ or did something else.
Perhaps you too are living in a cage or limit from your own imagination, not from a real threat.
Our world is what we think or believe. We rarely have results different than we expect.
Most of what we do is not from laws or force, it is just doing what we think other people do. The news, the movies & books advocate a way to live.
We might not even be doing what is popular or proven. We often do what we think is popular and proven, as we get our information from (intentionally wrong or misleading) news sources.
We are controlled by the words & writings of others. We rarely test anything in the world.
We rarely error. To do a thing & get result we expect - there is no learning there. To do something different and get results we did not expect - there is learning.
To error is to learn. To avoid error is to be resigned not to learn, to be trapped in our own imagination, in our own beliefs.
Most all of what we know we get from the reports of others. Some speak truth, some speak what they know but they are in error (but don't know they error). Some lie to protect their job, status, salary or perks. Some just say what they know (which is not true). They choose not to investigate as they fear they might learn what they say or do is not correct. Cognitive Dissonance - to not investigate something that might cause you to change. They live in denial and or unconscious of what is really going on.
The recipient (of an article coming by mail) determines if they will keep or return the mail or the process service, summons, ticket, bill (from sheriff).
If you just return it, that cancels their offer to contract. If they mail to you 100 times, just return 100 times, each time within 3 days.
The Truth in Lending law specifies that of any contract started, either party may cancel that contract within 3 days of its starting, without the need for giving any reason for the cancelation. You need only notify the other party, in writing, that you cancel the contract.
Here are some reasons you may want to cancel a contract. It was - done with deception, unfairly, without full disclosure of the consequences.
It was not between equal parties, either between 2 or more living people, or between 2 or more agents of corporations.
It was done under duress, threat, force, harm or loss.
But again, you do not have to give any reason for canceling a contract within 3 days of commencing (signing & or accepting) the contract.
W. Va. Law says the 3 day period only starts when you are notified you have a right to rescind or cancel.
If something is mailed to you, you have actually 10 days to get it back to the source. [ Truth in Lending or Lemon law - buying something that proves not to work.] They compute 3 days in mail to you, 3 days for you to consider and possibly respond, 3 days for it to travel back to the source. In those 9 days, you will pass thru one Sunday. Sundays are not counted in the accounting of time in commerce (contracts).
You don't have to put a name for a delivery address.
The post man will leave at the designated address in the mail box, The people there can get it to whom it belongs.
A zip is more specific (a smaller area) than a city, state. In lieu of Chicago, Illinois. just say 60012.
5 digit zip is equal or better than a city, state.
A 9 digit zip may be unique. Zip-Code.com is a place to look up a 9 digit zip.
If you look up 124 Maple St. Atlanta, Georgia and it shows a zip like 30399-9736.
Then look up 122, 123, 125 & 126 Maple St. If any of those also use the 9736 4 digit zip code extension, then the 9 digit is not unique to the 124 Maple. If none of the neighbor addresses, 122, 123, 135, 126 have the same 9736 9 digit zip, then the 124 Maple is uniquely 30399-9736.
The particular numbers above are given for example only, they are not true addresses.
If you use a unique 9 digit zip, then you don't need to include the street address. You need not put 124 Maple St. in the address.
5 digit zip, no city state needed.
9 digit zip, no # street is needed.
A zip code and or a 2 letter state abbreviation, these designate federal territories under US 64 million codes.
To accept (retain) a letter with a zip code or a 2 letter state or even an ALL CAPITAL letter name or part of address, is consenting to be governed regarding that mail piece by the US Codes.
The united States of America is a government formed by the 1789 US Constitution. People living under it's provisions do not need to pay inc. Tax, can mail for 2 ¢, and cannot be charged with a crime unless someone is injured, and attests to the injury (affidavit) and has a court warrant signed by judge & sealed by court.
The UNITED STATES is a private corporation, for profit, foreign owned, formed 21 Feb. 1871, and controlling ALL CAP LETTERS name "persons" who consent or contract with the US Corp..
Writing a letter has no force, it may seem to threaten or presume force, but sending it is not important.
The recipient either returns the letter avoiding any entanglement or is presumed to be subject to it.
US codes work on presumptions (against you !).
Zip codes only matter to recipient on incoming mail. If it has a zip and you don't want it, return it. If you don't return it, then you consent to being under US Codes o that issue..
If a letter to you from friends has a zip, no big deal.
They are not trying to form a contract with you.
If the zip (or whole address) is put in a box & or is bracketed [ 25301], it's legal attributes are nullified, yet the numbers, the zip aids the mail worker to guide the mail to it's destination.
If you mail with no zip code, typically a postal worker will see it, look up the zip and write it on the letter without using brackets, so now the letter is lethal or dangerous for the recipient to accept it. I say the USPS worker is thereby defacing the letter but the US corporate courts support all the crimes of any government action (USPS, courts, police, attorneys etc. - They all presume they have dominion, jurisdiction, control over you, who they call a US citizen (slave).
The mail man is only trying to deliver mail to a mail box. The mailman does not care about other words or even the name on an envelop.
A person mailing a letter can try to "capture" the mail recipient in conditions and or contract by words he uses on the mailing address or envelop.
An envelop can have terms for the mail man, like Taxe Percue (free postage), or 12 Stat. Chpt. 71, sec. 23, 37th Congress, Sess. III Pg. 705 that denotes the 2 ¢ per each 1/2 ounce rate since the 1860s, never rescinded.
Mail, money & law (US Codes) are all tied together.
Federal Reserve notes are unconstitutional, they are counterfeit. The US Codes are counterfeit laws, not constitutional, the mail is under private USPS control, to the USPO control.
Using any one brings presumptions out of the others. In US Codes, many presumptions are made about you, a "person" under codes, your "resident" address, your being a UNITED STATES citizen (slave), etc.
If you know the presumptions or if you publicly refute them or state positively in public record, you can step out of presumptions and the US Codes that would capture, arrest, sentence you in court, fine, tax, jail you.
We are told, we are innocent until prove guilty, which leaves us off guard.
In practice, all governments & courts are no longer de jure, original, organic. They are all operating as corporations.
The presume you are guilty unless or until you can "prove" your innocence, which is often impossible to prove as they block, avoid, ignore what ever you do as they consider from things you never knew, that you are a US citizen, completely under their charge & control.
You are incompetent, a ward of the state, requiring an attorney or public defender to defend you.
If you will not engage or accept an attorney, I think they, the courts, cannot assign you to serve jail time.
Put a box around any address, on envelop or in legal papers within. Then ALL CAPITAL NAMES & zip codes are nullified.
Put this above your out going address:
General Post Office, zip exempt, non-domestic.
This removes all the "new" regulations of the US Postal Service and reverts your mail back to only the regulations of 1860s and or the original mail from before the US Constitution 1789 that established our country.
USPS: 58¢ postage per first ounce.
All parcels weighing more than 16 ounces must be brought to USPS window clerk to answer questions of it's contents.
All mail is traveling in, thru or between US territories.
USPO (Post Office)
2 ¢ postage per ea. 1/2 oz., no requirements to bring heavy parcels before a clerk, nor to even deal with a clerk in sending certified or registered mail.
Just drop your mail in any street side USPS mail depository. Once your mail gets into the mail stream, then it is guided by either USPS or USPO original 1860s regulations. No zip code nor USPS restrictions apply when you use the mailing format I recommend like putting a box around any address, or putting the zip in sq. brackets.
As you aspire (desire), learn, know and try to mail with your new knowledge, postal people may try to beat you back, denying, returning, marking, delaying, capturing and or destroying your mail. Many of them do not know that the USPS must also honor original USPO mail & its regulations.
Rather that write letters, affidavits and or talking to postal clerks or post masters, I think the simple solution is to just keep mailing until you prevail.
Mail items of little value, like newspaper clippings, nothing important or valuable in the beginning.
Put the law on the envelop: 12 Stat. Chpt 71 ..
or Taxe Percue 742.1, 742.2
Note 18 USC 1701, 1702 which shows it is a federal crime to obfuscate, delay or hinder mail in route.
I believe anyone who touches mail must be moving it towards the designated person addressed or they would be obfuscating the mail. If a prison guard blocks mail, I think he is violating 18 USC 1701, 1702.
If mail is addressed to a person in a hotel, or prison, or any large building or group, I think that who ever handles the mail must not obstruct or they can be charged with obfuscating or other mis handling of mail.
Mail is a military term. We should call our letters posts, as in sending a post, or a postal article.
Live in common law, out of the reach of US Corp. & subsidiaries like The STATE OF MAINE.
We all have inalienable rights (cannot be denied). These are rights from Yahuah, God, and are protected by the US Constitution.
Some one may say you waived your rights in a contract. Inalienable rights cannot be waived, whether they are conscious, spoken, and or you are incompetent or a ward of the state.
We all have the inalienable right to speak, travel unrestrained, right to a trial by jury, right to redress (question - stop obeying until question resolved) government and others.
Your right to send a letter inexpensively and or even for free is an extension of your right to speak. If we do not know, nor claim nor act on our rights, other people may presume to crush or deny you your rights. They are in error, but it is hard to find anyone or court that will uphold your inalienable rights.
All courts seem to be absorbed and run by corporations who do not act as if you have any rights except any they may choose to give you.
Basically government corporations pretend to be governments & courts, but they have force thru attorneys, judges, court personnel, jails, police to crush your rights as if they are acting for the greater or the public good. They are not. They are operating by force, deception, intimidation, harm or loss.
TV, radio, news, universities, corporations & governments all ignore the laws and profess other circumstances has caused us to need to abandon their constitutional restrictions. Corporate governments are crushing the rights, health, wealth, property of people in favor of the super elite, many unseen, secret societies working behind the scenes.
Our very thought is mostly controlled by the lying media who confuse, distract and lie to persuade us to go along with their evil plans.
The supposed covid and fake vaccines are extensions of this power grab.
With Yahuah & men, all things are voluntary.
With People, Pets & Plants, we should only invite, persuade, never deceive, threaten, force or harm - as governments do.
With all things: Patiently Persist with Prayer & Purpose, until we Prevail !
Writing & mailing this letter has taken me 6 hours. I hope you read it.
Ted Elden 10-Feb-22
Mail Ideas
I could teach you or you can read at abodia.com/mail
If you get a letter, bill from IRS, courts, summons, you can just return them.
on lower left column
Court Simplified, Definitions.
You can mail letters & packages for free and certainly for 2 ¢ per ea. 1/2 ounce.
Using a unique 9 digit zip code, you can mail to someone with only that 9 digit code as the complete address.
Use a unique 9 digit zip code and not even put a name on the envelop.
When you see in coming mail or papers served by a sheriff,
they are not an obligation to you, they are only an offer to contract.
If you just return them,
that cancels their offer to contract.
TS Mail Support 20-Jan-22
Free or 2 ¢ mail is our right !
Hi, you are important to me.
I hope you consider this note & that you respond to me, in any way.
I know lots of people. Are they friends ? associates, patriots ? Truth Seekers etc ?
I don't know words for them. Each of them, and really all people are unique in what they think & do.
I would like to say I am not afraid of government, corporations, evil people, police, attorneys, judges, public health people.
Sure I am mainly not afraid, but there might be something new that causes me hardship, loss, injury, harm, threat or fear. I will face it.
But also it seems to me that I do huge things without any problem.
Please read all at abodia.com/mail
Particularly these new page links:
Taxes Percue, New Ideas,
Conclusion - get General Delivery.
I mail 1,000s of letters. I think they mostly get where I send them, but many people will not tell me they get my letters. Why ?
Do they think that I and or my mailings are a crime ?
Do they fear to be connected to me ? Do they not like my information ? Do they think if they respond that would encourage me and that I might write to them again ?
I have been mailing 100 + letters weekly and sometimes 100+ no a single day in various mail boxes around town.
I think the postman must send our mail forward or return it to us. I don't think he can lawfully capture, delay, obfuscate, or destroy our mail.
I have sent certified, & registered & parcels of 3 lbs or larger via free Taxes Percue.
I am sorry to repeat myself but I don't remember what info you have considered or accepted.
I mailed many data DVD discs out and many Secure Digital Chips, but most people will not tell me they get my mail, nor tell me they read it or ask me questions about it.
They will not look at the files I sent, nor return the secure digital chips, thumb drives, etc. i sent.
I once had & lent out about 20 Secure Digital Chips, some holding up to 127 GB, which is 25 times what I could put on a DVD disc.
We all need information about something before we can consider, believe or act on something.
Like NASARA. Sure it is not real, nor important, nor relevant if you don't have any info on it.
But as you get more & more info, it becomes more real, relevant, desirable.
This letter to you has one purpose.
Please tell me when you receive it. Tell me if there was any delay or problem.
Some people snap a photo of the envelop so I can see the form of the address & postage and how it might be postmarked or canceled. Much of my mail arrives unmarked by USPS. I don't know why they don't post mark my letters.
You may type an address in any form you want, but put a box around it.
I discuss all that in the 3 links from abodia.com/mail that I mentioned above.
If you mail some thing of value, like an secure digital chip or flash drive, put full postage on it. Don't gamble with things of real value at least until you have reliable results with low postage mail.
The SD chips I mailed out cost me from $ 20 to $ 80. Many have never come back to me. Do people keep, hold, discard, lose or mail incorrectly.
Here are names & addresses of some people I know who would appreciate a letter or even post card from any one, particularly mailed to their address or their General Delivery address. I also list phone & e-mail.
As we've discovered a new valid way to mail for 2 ¢ or free, I think we should continue to write to each other to keep those channels open.
Forgive me if I share info about you that you don't want others to know.
Those on this list, to my knowledge are knowing about deceptions around us . They're learned, bold & confident to act in truth.
If I mail this to you and you are not on the list, then I was not sure that you would want me to share your name.
I could send you 2¢ stamps. You can get them at your PO or even on line from USPS.
Suggestion: Write general info on 4 parts of 8x11 paper. Print or copy with computer/ printer.
Make 4 or 12 blank post cards by cutting card stock 8x11 into 4 parts.
Use them with message & name/ address to awaken our friends, family & new aquatics.
We only have rights if we learn of them & claim them, like 2¢ postage, Taxes Percue.
T@abodia.com 304 344 2335
Ted Elden.
General Delivery.
[ 25301-9999 ].
I believe what you but a box around a name & address, that it removes any presumptions i US Code that that address is within the jurisdiction of the UNITED STATES Corp.
In a box, you can use ALL CAPITAL terms, 2 letter federal states, zip codes.
Chicago Style Manual, ear page 666, says that items in brackets (or box) are excluded from the items i the writing.
I might say in a book, Mark Twain wrote:
Huck wet down to the [Sewanee] river.
Sewanee is set off in square brackets. It was not a part of the original writing, I only include it for reference so you know the river he meant.
[ square brackets ] surround things for reference but not for making presumptions.