West Virginia Statehood        15 October, 2019 A.D.                                 .

Letters to W. Va. governor, legislators, Supreme Court, Trump & others asking to verify information about our state government, constitutions, etc.

W-Va-Statehood  htm          W-Va-Statehood.doc        W.Va-Statehood, notice of 2nd request for proof of claim.

W-Va-Statehood-3B htm        W-Va-Statehood-3B.doc   autographs held in file with originals at this time.

 These are using the Private Administrative Process to determine facts, evidence and law (actually only codes).

We, living people, children of God, may use common law as provided in due process of foundation constitutions.

Also note the Montevideo Convention on Rights of Duties of States determined some characteristics of what establishes a nation or state.

Please read these letters and think about their meaning.

Was there amendments or wording in our constitution that forbids people with Titles of Nobility, i.e. honors or titles from foreign principals (attorneys connected thru the B.A.R. to the Crown in England ?)

Congressional Record showing the June 1967 U.S. House discussed that the 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution establishing 14th amendment citizens of the United States.  Such amendment was not lawfully nor legally ratified, and should be void ab inito, from the beginning.

If a physical constitution does not exist and these other factors, is there a government for West Virginians ?

These imperfect letters by me are my inquiry to establish facts.  Thanks for your comments.  Ted     a at abodia.com