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Wake Up - Truth Surround us. Research by Ted Elden, Public Speaker, Little Rock Architect, ret. computer guru People Comments CMU
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Pay All your bills from your secret Birth Certificate & or Soc. Sec. # account).
Discussion on our ALL CAPITAL NAME Accounts Newest at the top. updated: 10/10/2019
Harvey Dent says PayPal is connected to Federal Reserve, they can take from your account twice.
Heather Tucci arrested in DC, see internet or You Tube, She was involved in OPPT & (possibly) TDA
New summary 35 New Files/ documents 19 Sept
It seems there are 2 ways to get information from the secret accounts that have been built on your ALL CAPITAL NAME.
1 method is to take out of the Soc. Sec. Account, and the other it to take out (or discharge debts from) your Birth Certificate Account. Although either of them may seem to be a large, nearly inexhaustible resources, I think that working thru your Birth Certificate account, bond, trust, would yield the most benefit to you.
It is possible that using
We continue this discussion based on using your Treasury Direct account (see TD websites), which is based on your Birth Certificate (we think.)
Some people (who I know) have gotten bills, mortgages or other paid with these methods.
I chose not to have many things that most people do have. I fear having these things might in some way put limits on me and or give jurisdiction to courts, attorneys, law suits, etc. I do not now have these things:
- Driver's license, or any form of government photo ID, - any utility bill or active account, -any bank account., - any resident address.
I do not claim or use a soc. sec. card or account. I did not create the account, it is not mine. (but could it provide benefit, funds for me ? and would that entail any loss of rights or liberty ?
I think everything is voluntary, and often others (government/ corporations) presume, by our silence, or inactivity, or even by our signature, actions or acquiescence, they assume that they have jurisdiction over us from any of those papers or accounts I mentioned that I don't have.
I think that if you accept a benefit from someone or organization, then you are also agreeing, or accepting the liabilities.
I think that if you pay $ 1,000 in income tax, you might get a $ 100 rebate or discount.
The point is, that for any benefit you chose to take, I think ultimately someone else will get far more benefit from YOU then you got from them. They make these offers, contracts, situations to profit. Other people/ organizations do not make things, policies, benefits for your advantage. They are the authors, they dictate the terms. They tell you the benefits, but they DO NOT tell you the disadvantage and or your loss. You have to study hard to see how some things take more from you then they give you.
First Instruction Letter from Anna
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Treasury Direct Accounts
Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts simple Text to read
Check this out Ted, I've been able to access my treasury acct the last few days transferring thousands (of dollars) through PayPal so far.
YES!!!! It's all electronic--like electronically paying a bill directly out of your checking account. Like I pay Ohio Edison bill electronically from my credit union checking account, online. ACH (Automatic Clearing House). Our pensions are deposited into our bank account via ACH.
I thought that there were steps to take before we could do this, but the video below, and some of Harvey's Dent's, show that you don't have to authenticate your BC, etc. We are very excited about this especially for our friends and family who are really destitute especially.
We've been looking at crypto currencies in lieu of FRNs in the future but this is unlimited funds. Your soc. sec. card has to match exactly the name on the account you transfer too. If the names are slightly different the payment transfer will be rejected. If names don't match, try to have the vendor or who you transfer to change the name on their account for you to the exact name and spelling on your soc. sec. card.
ACH (Automatic Clearing House). You can pay any bill (or even purchase new things with this method.
It works with banks and or accounts (store, utility company, court, etc. who allow ACH transactions.
Essentially you give them the routing number (from the Bur. of Public Debt and your account number (your soc. sec. # with 22 at end, and they transfer the amount of money from the BPD to the vendor or to whom you specify.
Access Your Value
Read full instruction in about 5 pages at the link above.
Several people tell me they successfully used this method and or paid a bill without problem (yet).
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Reasons why NOT to use any connection to a Treasury Direct Account
A stripped-down version of this scheme is as follows: When the United States went off the gold standard in 1933, the federal government somehow went bankrupt. With the help of the Federal Reserve Bank, the government converted the bodies of its citizens into capital value, supposedly by trading the birth certificates of U.S. citizens on the open market. After following a complicated process of filing UCC documents with either the Secretary of State of the person's residence.
Drawing such drafts on the U.S. Treasury is fraudulent and a violation of federal law. The theory behind their use is bogus and incomprehensible. The Justice Department is vigorously prosecuting these crimes. Federal criminal convictions have occurred in several cases. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency has tried to alert the banking community to this fraud. See Suspicious Transactions, Fictitious Sight Drafts. (3K txt file, uploaded 5/16/00)
With early and vigorous prosecution by the Justice Department on bogus Sight Draft cases, we have begun to see Bills of Exchange taking their place. This change occurred on or around January 2001. All these Bills of Exchange drawn on the U.S. Treasury are worthless. All the same issues and background materials applicable to Sight Drafts also apply to Bills of Exchange. This is the same fraud under another name.
For inquiries by anyone adversely affected by this fraud, please contact the Treasury Office of Inspector General (OIG).
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Anna Von Reitz Update Regarding The Strawman Account & Treasury Direct Accounts
I, Ted, have lived a very meager life of last 8 years (no problem) trying to avoid having, using, managing money. I spend more my time in things that are free: outdoors, jogging, gardening, reading, thinking. I don’t think that fake money, FRN , will solve our problems.
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This is a post by Dixie on ACH Group. According to Susie from our Group, this is the correct way to do this. Anyone can do this.
You can purchase anything on line using this method.
Dave R.
OK All to have been waiting for the news,, this has been sent to my email, and what she is saying is very very true and does work, I paid a bill 2 weeks ago with this and IT STAYED CLEARED, no reversals. I have another individual on the side who has paid 3 BIG bills off and bought 4 tires off Amazon doing this and everything has gone through.. I don't like to put out there unless it works so I had to wait,, but here it is everyone... ENJOY my friends!!!!
This is what I wanted to share with Harvey. Over the phone I could give more intricate details, but this is enough information for anyone to implement : We can pay off all of our debts. The Bureau of Public Debt is a bank that has been set up in Parkersburg, West Virginia. All that you need is the routing number which is 051736158 and your account number to this bank is your Social Security number. You cannot use your Social Security number to pay anyone else's debt. (Name of payee must match the name on the [soc. sec.] account.)
Bureau of the Public Debt - Treasury.gov
Bureau of the Public Debt - Wikipedia
Each person must pay their own debt. You can pay any bills you have including: credit cards, car payments, mortgages, utility bills, phone bills. You name it. The methods of payment use are online, over the phone or with written permission forms established for automatic payments. Any forms that asked for the account holder name you are to put your name. I would suggest you write each letter in capital letters. This was the Cabal's technique of monetizing your name by making it a corporation. All capital letters is a connotation of a corporation. If you would like to have a conference call with me for your personal questions or intricate details about how to go about this, if this email if not explicit enough let me know and I will give you a conference number with the access pin. Thursday or Friday might be a good. The information on the YouTube videos that Harvey Dent created is now obsolete as of this past Thursday. It has all been switched from the Federal Reserve Bank to the US Treasury and this Bureau of Public Debt has the US treasury routing number. It is no longer necessary to consider the alphabet on the back of your Social Security card. There is only one number that's needed for the routing number for everyone in the United States because all of the accounts to that routing number is individualized by the Social Security numbers. This is all tried and true. Check it out for yourselves in PS below are references to all that I've said above:
5. The Vatican created a world trust using the birth certificate to capture the value of each individual’s future productive energy.
6. Each state, province and country in the fiat monetary system, contributed their people’s value to this world trust identified by the SS, SIN or EIN numbers (for example) maintained in the Vatican registry.
7. Corporations worldwide (individuals became "corporate fictions" through their birth certificate) were connected to the Vatican through money and law (Vatican to Crown to BAR to laws to judges to people). Vatican birth accounts value to IMF to Treasury (Federal Reserve) to banks to people (loans) to judges (administration) and sheriffs (confiscation
8. Judges administered the birth trust account in court matters favoring the court and the banks, acted as the presumed “beneficiary” since they have not properly advised the “true beneficiary” of their own trust.
I do not consent to any contracts past, present or future absent prior written disclosure of all terms and conditions and my consent as shown by my wet ink signature and thumbprint.
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Item 7 near the end of the post above. The Treasury and Federal Reserve are two distinctly different things. Treasury is gov, Federal Reserve is not (government, Fed. Resv. is a private corporation.).
Bureau of Public Debt has been in Parkersburg for over forty years. It has not just been set up.
The Bureau of the Public Debt had a name change several years ago. It is now known as The Department of Fiscal Services. It is a part of the government. I can sympathize with those advising caution. The Federal Reserve banks are not part of the government. Neither are they bankrupt. Our exemption accounts were/are maintained in a Fed Reserve bank. Why would they have moved them to a Treasury facility? Or is it a trick to get us to discharge the debt of the US? Or steal the hidden accounts.
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This suggestion is using the number on the back of your soc. sec. card, which I think involves the Federal Reserve Bank.
gc: New information from Fisher. A guest on the call “Mike” revealed the following…
Routing # 051736158 (Bureau of the Public Debt) Account # use number on BACK of your card (not the social) + 22 (for checking), or + 32 (for savings).
So you discard the initial letter character, and use the remaining 8-digit control # with “22″ or “32″ added at the end.
Fisher says that people using the above formula have not had reversals (yet).
I tried this myself this morning to discharge some shoes on Amazon. It gave me the option to set up a checking acct, so I used my SS# and 22 added. The order went through but was canceled within 5 minutes. So I rechecked and they had used my address instead of the BPD address, which can be found here: https://www.usbanklocations.com/check-routing-number.php (very important link)
I changed the address to theirs (and used their name for it) and the order went through and so far is holding an hour later.
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Anna Von Reitz Update Regarding The Strawman Account & Treasury Direct Accounts
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from the ideas of many:
kp said: I do not believe the ultimate remedy is stabbing at the beast like flies. I think the solution is to go to the birth county probate court and correct their records. I am alive, the age of majority, and competent to conduct my own affairs. Make them declare me to be the "named" "person" from the certificate of live birth. Take that to the IRS/fed Res and demand an accounting of the BC bond and all attached accounts, results to be presented to me for administration. Grandiose, don't you think?
I had read about using routing number for Federal Reserve bank before, mine is New York. routing number + ss number. heard about people using this before. They always reported reversals. I know there has to be a way, because after Frank/Dodd, there is no money held in accounts. It all comes from treasury.
Freedom is not isolation. Freedom is knowing the truth and making it work for me. If I am the Paramount Security Interest Holder in the Name/NAME then use it and make them try to prove you are not.
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I was on a call from the i-UV website and a lady name Sonya came on at 2:03 min of the call and said she didn't use the SS# on the Front of the card but the number on the back. Note:
Use this Routing# 051736158 and as Account # use number the number on BACK of your card (NOT THE SOCIAL) + 22 (for checking), or + 32 (for savings). So you discard the initial letter character, and use the remaining 8-digit control #.
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"As with most things in life, the answer is not outside of us, it's inside us" - Dr. Joe Dispenza
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