Summary .
The world is very different then we have been taught, through public schools, college, news, government and corporate reports.
The truth will make you free. John 8:32
You can learn and know the deeper truth to avoid injury, loss, threat.
You can find and know the truth. is a method to follow clues to deeper truth.
The Federal Reserve is a private corporation for profit, owned by foreign interests. Its actions and decisions are not for the protection of the American public, but primarily for the profits of it's (the Fed's) owners.
The United States (the original government of 1776) abandoned it's sovereignty and became a corporation through the "Act of 1871" on 21 Feb. 1971.
Originally it was titled District of Columbia, but later renamed to "UNITED STATES"
It has dominion only over those who live and work in Washington DC, and any who volunteer to be involved in it's actions and benefits.
Therefore, all US laws (actually just codes) are voluntary to any living man/ woman in the continental united States.
As you learn this, you can learn how to not volunteer for any more of their actions like:
- parking tickets, traffic ticket, court summons, fines, taxes, jail, prison.
You can learn that any presentment that comes to you - as noted in line above, you can simply return it within 3 days, and avoid accepting a contract with them.
The US went bankrupt shortly after the ratification of the original US Constitution, and then again each 70 years, during the Civil War, (and formation of US Corp). and in 1933, when the President demanded that all "citizens" turn in their gold, and we were taken off a constitutional (gold/ silver backed) constitutional currency.
This writing is just cursory summary concepts. On this wed site and thru linked references you can affirm all this.
As you realize that most all around you is an illusion, that we have a government, that they are responsive to us, that our votes or voices effect them.
Great evils are on going daily, theft thru unlawful taxes, contamination of the skies/ air, soil, water, food (GMO).
the Congress and the news media specifically is a continual distraction form the greater problems.
As long as the public is not aware, there is no resistance to these evils to continue and expand.
The Main Index on this site will tell you more of these horrific on going events:
- Federal Reserve, Chem Trails, fluoride in public water, vaccination causing illness, disabilities, death, war, famine, and theft from home foreclosures and unlawful loan ""contract", foreclosures.
At this site's home page, are mentioned our goals:
To find, confirm and share truth.
To gather people and bring them to consciousness of the troubles that surround us, learn and work together for solutions.
Surely everyone's life is filled with stress and others cares; daily struggle, family, job, paying taxes and loans.
However, when you choose to see the deeper truth, after you learn both the problems and the solutions, you can change your life and future by reducing or eliminating problems that you now think are without relief like loans, debts, credit card bills, mortgages, taxes and legal problems.
I personally invest all my time to find, confirm and spread these truths, as I hope to gather people, focus our thoughts and learn & act on solutions.
Contact me in anyway. ted of elden , Charleston, West Virginia tel 304 344 2335
Many people cling to what they once learned and kwon and with their friends.
As you come to kwon the deeper truth, you will find that your old friends will not listen, talk, discuss nor follow you.
However, as you become aware, you can find others who are also aware and who can help us all by working together.
Here are some links within this web site
ticket, summons, bill, within 3 days - Be Exempt !
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