Geo. Washington HS 50th Reunion revised 4 Oct.
> > Dinner Photos w/ numbers, click to enlarge, 1200 pix wide < <
2016 Reunion Dinner at So. Chas. Holliday Inn; photos, speeches & old yearbooks 600 pix
2 Oct, 2016 I fixed the link to 5th & 7th Grade party & 2004 Candid photos, temporarily !
Source images are 4500 pix. Make large enlargements. Contact me by e-mail, I can send you an image or 2 via e-mail
Or I can send you ALL images full size on a data DVD.
Links in left side bar take you to many other web pages. Enjoy ! ted
The official GWHS reunion site is
On Facebook search for: GWHS Class of 1966 Charleston, WV
23-24 Sept. 2016 So. Chas. Holliday Inn. - Reunion Committee:
Mike Chaney, Bill McKee, Alice Abernathy, Bonnie Howard, Steve Hopta.
Terry Hunter organized classmate's addresses, Laura Kell arranged Bristo lunch, Jon Cavendish served Sunday brunch.
For more details: Contact them at: Facebook link
Classmates - We lived in the Wonder Years, we are the wonder kids !
Great music, times, places.
Here is just one song that catches the mood of 60s (& NOW !)
Alice's Restaurant. Read the funny Lyrics.
Friends had Thanksgiving dinner then threw away garbage at land fill, then were charged with littering and years later could not be drafted as they had a police record. They were not moral enough to go abroad to kill, steal & pillage foreign natives.
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Please send an e-mail to Ted if you know any way
to contact these missing classmates, by e-mail, mail or phone. Thanks ! :)
2nd List below is classmates without known addresses.
Class of 1966, Charleston W. Va.
Here are classmates of whom committee has no e-mail or no address.
If you know how to reach any of these people please tell me.
Some of Charleston’s new attractions; -
Appl. Power Ball Park, Clay Science & Art Center, WV Culture Center, Little Creek Park, Coonskin, Kan. Forest
Merry Christmas to all. My greeting, humor, inspiration, song & dance are here
My goal is to collect & connect people & ideas.
t @ 304 344 2335
Ted Elden, General Post-office, c/o 1002 Lee Street E., Charleston, West Virginia
( Currently local post master is blocking my mailing address !
just contact me by phone, text or e-mail)