© Truth Seekers at Top O Rock,  www.abodia.com/t      Index   unfolding the truth by reason & research Navigate with BACK Key  Book - Know Truth !    


Source Search TP© - Fair Use- ?

Pg 1  Pg 2

10 Reasons it's Hoax

Questions on SH

What really Happenedyt

Talk about Sandy Hook v

Talk about Sandy Hook yt

Unraveling Sandy Hook yt

Sandy Hook Justice

> Nobody Died at Sandy Hook by James Fetzer - pdf book free from Power Hour 20 Nv' 15

SH School was not being used Report by Halbig !

Lt. Vance or actor Goodman

Video Clips


Actor is Trooper ?

Goals !

Start !

Ted's Goal

Philosophy of Liberty

Truth is Easy !



                            © Truth Seekers at Top O Rock,  www.abodia.com/t       Index   unfolding the truth by reason & research Navigate with BACK Key