© Truth Seekers at Top O Rock,  www.abodia.com/t      Index   unfolding the truth by reason & research Navigate with BACK Key  Book - Know Truth !    


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Goals !

Start !

Ted's Goal

Philosophy of Liberty

Truth is Easy !

How World Works - Chapters:

0 Introduction

1 A Century of War

2 Tragedy and Hope

3 Naked Capitalist

4 Tax-Exempt Foundations

5 Creature from Jekyll Island

6 1984

7 Iron Mountain Report - keep u sin war

8 Greening

9 Politics of Heroin

10 Final Judgment- JFK assassination

11 Dope, Inc

12 Let's Fix America

13 The Middle Class must Not Fail

14 Index



                            © Truth Seekers at Top O Rock,  www.abodia.com/t       Index   unfolding the truth by reason & research Navigate with BACK Key