Common Law, rights, freedom

Conference Call 5-10 pm EST Tuesdays

667 770 1557 enter 879 599 #

Tuesday '21 Nov. 16 -

R. House, J. West, C. Stewart - common law, rights, court

Link to Nov. 16 audio  Notes from call 

other files on this web site under the name of each speaker


This Tuesday 16 November join us for conference call presentations by:

 5- 7 pm Robert House, common law solutions

7- 9 pm Jennifer West  we are not federal citizens nor under their codes, called laws.

9-10 pm Charles Stewart, common law courts

Times are EST Eastern Standard time.

    Ray Howarton     Ray How New Book.pdf

History index of our calls.

Request.  Please tell me if I should stop sending you conference notices.

You can see in advance what we may discuss thru our website.

If you received a disc or a chip with files on it, that I mailed to you, please contact me.

On the next 2 Wednesdays 17 & 24 Nov., at 8 pm, I will host call to talk about those files,

    Tot. Commander shows how to find, read, copy files from any media you have.

    If you will schedule with me a time to talk by phone, we can make more progress quickly.

You may have 1,000+ files.  Surely you will  find things of interest in those files.

The files are to large to send by email or snail mail/ post.

Host: Ted Elden,  100s of files show deceptions of covid, jab, masks.

Contact me.  I have much to share in various forms.