Index - articles 1 - Nov. 2006 intro USA vs US
Knowledge is Power, when you know what is really going on, you can expose, resist and redirect their actions.
with the best life, have the best information, Disraeli
Media often lies - to confuse and mislead you. Consider
Columbine HS
Shootings - What Really Happened:
9-11 Many Links, books, video
Links on this web site
Elden's library, reference etc. Elden's summary of Corporate America overtaking Constitutional Government. search
UFO The Greatest Story Ever Denied
60 years of secrecy & deception by (secret) US government. military,
government whistle blowers & media show the truth.
Out step IRS (fraudulent) requirement to file and pay personal income tax
Elite, Global Corporations thru government, courts, & media has power over us by keeping us shackled, desperate, uninformed.
Learn the truth, of your freedoms,
rights and more. It will help you financially and in security.
Government, courts, media hide things that allow profits, and crime of many.
Secrecy is their key. NSA and or other secret organizations primary change
perception of real events to protect elite or people in government.
They are not protecting us from foreigners so much as they are covering their
errors, and deceptions to take advantage of us without our knowing.
As you learn more, understand the truth, your life will be better, safer, more abundant.
Powerful people specifically keep information from you, thru a compliant, controlled national news media.
A few elite control Amerika and the world, dissolving the middle class. As you think you are rising to the upper levels, your individual rights are dissolving, as is the value of your currency, property and more. To see reality is our only choice to save lives and our nation.
Obvious government / media deceptions; JFK killed by lone assassin, same with Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, the pretend Moon Landing, and more. Billions of US tax dollars are given to private corporation black budget projects without any Congressional oversight, as admitted on national TV by Rumsfield 10 Sept. '01. Iran Contra Hearings on national C-SPAN talked of the US concentration camps built for US citizens. The information is in your face, easy to find & verified, but ignored by most, thinking that someone else will save Amerika. I think only individual citizens, by learning, knowing, acting can possibly save our great (former republic) of united States of America. Will you help ?
Concentration Camps in America
How the Bush Family Makes a Killing from George's Presidency ::Heather Wokusch
Missilegate - Missiles not planes - hit the WTC Towers
Child Sexual Abuse and the Shadow World of Freemasonry, Satanism, Illuminati, and Jesuits
"There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself."-- Senator Daniel K. Inouye, during the Iran Contra Hearings and former chair, U.S. Senate MKULTRA-era hearings in 1977Lies of the Past show the Patterns of the Present
Military Industrial Complexes by Karen Kwiatkowski 7th fire
The Last OutPost - video, audio, articles; UFO, Emergency War Powers, 9-11, Communism Brainwashing all nations since '1930s
The Secret - Law of Attraction Learn how to increase you life, joy, abundance by following the things you love.
Cosmic Paradigm Crop Circles, UFO, understanding our relation to cosmos, God, duties on earth in this life
New Research - the Good News of wonderful discoveries
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