Virus Articles
index all virus files & covid virus/virus-4
virus articles by 20 topics index all virus article sorted 181 articles below
The chart above represents all the different disciplines that had to be
together to make possible the PLANdemic. Many things were orders
or purchased months or more before the PLANdemic was declared,
showing some people (the planners) had foreknowledge of the
artificially planned PLANdemic, not a natural occurrence.
20 Topics:
181 articles:
1925 Warning Pandemic is used to take control of world
2010 Rockefeller Lockstep for 2020
Contagion Myth- Thomas Cowan virus neither exists nor causes illness, ever
Corona Investigative Committee - Reiner Fuellmich, Germany
Agenda 1 Grinding America Down
AI Lawsuit to fix world $ 1.5 trillion
America’s Frontline Doctors on Covid 19
America's Front Line Doctors AFFD sue us gov. over covid
America’s Descent Into Darkness
American Front Line Doctors sue Secretary of US Health.
Canadian court victory proves covid-19 is a hoax
CDC is not part of any government
Chuck Baldwin's newletter- covid is deception
counteract the venom - watch water
Covid Assumptions Based on Fear not Fact
Covid is a Crime against Humanity-
Covid was planned to usher in the New World Order
COVID-19 Genocide- Former UN staff member
COVID-19 is not very contageous
COVID-19 vaccines are Gene Therapy
Disease are not infectious- on Vaccine- McBean
Doctors and organizations against covid vaccine
Dr. Ardis- Covid-19-Global Predators EXCELLENT
Dr. Ardis origins of covid, mRNA vaccines
Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic
Facts about Covid-19 from Swiss
Federal Law Prohibits Mandates regarding covid
Flu and Colds - Germ and Terrain Theory
Government admits covid doesn't exist
Government Corruption Collusion
Greatest Lie - covid + jab called vaccine
H1N1 linked to Genetically Modified Food
Make your own Hydroxychloroquine
Masks do not prevent virus spread
Mega-Corporations Accept COVID-19 Lockdowns
microscopy of CV-19 with snake venom
No Samples of Covid exist from gov. or health organization
Once were the Living ` explains virus never exist that cause illness.
overview by Ted
Plandemic is Live “Training & Exercise"
Poisoned Needle - McBeam in 1917, only vaccinated got Spanish Flu
Remdesivir causes kidney and organ failure
Small Business Tools for Covid
Spanish Flu 1918 from vaccines
Spanish High Court confirms CV-19 does NOT exist
The Covid-Plan / Rockefeller Lockstep
The Deception of Virology & Vaccines — Why Coronavirus Is Not Contagious
Utopia Movie predicted this man made virus