Postage Rates 11/19/2024 documents to establish your rights. visitor:
Here is much information to share.
Please click here, this is simpler than all on this web page.
Mail Format: samples of 2 ˘ postage, free mail, general delivery,5+4 digit zip codes.
Please ignore things shown below until you first read all the pages linked from above. Below is complicated, above is simple.
> Discussion on mail, history, general post-office..
> Mail Summary, > Summary 0, > Envelop Examples > 29 Mail Regulations > Mail address format
> New idea 4 Feb. 2022-02-04 < < < < < New Notes & Images No photo, no gov. ID required for Gen.Del. __
> Taxe Percue - Free or prepaid to Foreign destination: 18 USC ss 11 samples New page 2021 Nov. 5
Please read all on this page, here is Conclusion: > Recipient determines jurisdiction > Address format
> Most Important introduction, please read > Experience on mail > Why 2˘ works. > new
> Free Mail & Law > How to mail > 2˘ post office rate chart > 2˘ letter envelop template
> USPS Postal Regulations > Samples of mail received > DMM Zip Codes may be omitted
> Samples of letters Received December 2018 > Samples of Letters mailed > Jan 5, 2020 Conf. Call about mail
> Statues on Postage Rate stat as text > USPS Complain/ Claim Form > More 2 ˘ samples > How we Think
> 6 ˘ and 46 ˘ mailed side by side, See how Postman marks them differently. > mail to people in jail - jail / prison mail
> How To Mail A Letter or Postcard for Only 2 Cents - Jeranism video
Video has basic info, but Video has several mistakes. is better info.
> Another article on mail & 2 ˘ rate > samples of 2˘ mail received > general post office since biblical times
> Free mail to and from prisoners Universal Postal Convention. Summary Notes simplifying this website, introduction.
2˘ mail by Ted: 5 min, 15 min, audio discussion
General Delivery- no ID required
There are many different ways to mail.
You can do free mail, packages, certified & registered.
Here is the simplest way for beginners.
If you would read all this website & read all the links you can learn some very valuable information.
If is OK if you don't believe me, but if you research & test, you can do as I've been doing for 17 years, thru 42,200+ pieces of mail I've sent, like below or more advanced.
Many people try to call or contact me. It will be better for both of us if you read all this.
I learn by research & testing. You can test also to get these to work for you.
Study the statues so you have confidence to know you are dealing within law.
Send letters with 2 cents postage confirmation.
Latest Form Oct. 2021 above - Taxe Percue
Name your own republic in lieu of my TopORock republic noted on post card.
Blurred term is OHMS meaning On Her Majesty's - the Queen- Service
Box any address, any where to stop the presumption you are submitting to US Codes.
Letter below shows the 2 ˘ postage stature: 12 Stat. Chpt. 71, ...
Above is the current simple form I use.
All items in blue, including the line boxes are optional.
Below is similar to do free mail:
Another Form for mailing:
Use no return address
General Post-office.
c/o 23 Main Street.
Huntington, West Virginia.
Non domestic, zip exempt.
(or use no name - if there are many people at that location use name or room or apt. number.)
See article: Superior-Jurisdiction
Please read to understand how other people (courts/ government) get jurisdiction over you by the way mail is addressed to you.
All of us, people & governments/ corporations, must first put our claim in writing and send/ post/ mail it or have it delivered by service process.
( You, living wo/man, are superior to "persons" Officials cannot rebut your claims.)
I welcome anyone to help me with this research: your time, thought, proofing
or send me 300 - 2 ˘ stamps as a donation !
Please read all on this website, so you too can prevail.
I suggest you mail this way repetitively until you convince your postmaster this is lawful.
I write this way to friends, businesses, judges, governors, attorneys, i.e. to everyone.
I'm sure you can prevail, but you have to learn and patiently persist until you prevail.
This is the simplest way to address so postman knows where to deliver mail.
Mail does NOT require a name nor title as per USPS Domestic Mail Manual DMM
Mail only requires a delivery location: # street, city & state.
2 Maple St.
Chicago, Illinois.
Further suggestions. Put the state on a separate line
since each of our 50 states of the union is actually a nation to themselves.
If you put [ words in square bracket ] or a box,
those words are not then considered a legal part of that page.
Mail like this:
[ John Doe ].
c/o 2 Maple Street.
I use the same format for my return address.
If you are just starting to use 2 ˘ per 1/2 ounce postage, add these words:
General Post-office, Non domestic, zip exempt.
I suggest Do NOT use any zip code, but if you do, put it in [ brackets or ] a box.
Mail you receive & accept (not returned) with a zip code puts YOU under 64 million US Codes.
Below are ways I once mailed. Above is how I now mail. see Superior-Jurisdiction
2 ˘ Form
Free mail & 2˘ mail Form > Free Mail & Law
All these items on left column are optional: as are [ RR 26505 ], - Without the UNITED STATES
No return address is needed (unless the mail is returned).
RR stand for the former mailing location system of Rural Routes. not zip codes.
Here is best form for post (mail) location, NOT a resident address.
It is a living man (or location) exempted from federal jurisdiction.
I don't use zip code, nor 2 letter state, nor any abbreviations like Ave., Dr., St.
When you write to an elected official this way you are contacting the man directly, (common law),
He is then outside of any immunity he might have as a public official,
and is answerable, or obligated to what ever lawful claim you may put on him as
he has been acting (pretending) as if he were a public servant-i.e.:
- accepting his title & constitutional oath, - acting in his position of trust, and
receiving benefit or salary for being a pubic servant from public funds.
[ John Doe ].
c/o 123 Main Street.
near Charleston, West Virginia.
zip code exempt.
Items in Green are optional, but perhaps use them when you are establishing that you can do this. or as follows:
General Post-office.
[ John Doe ].
c/o 123 Main Street.
[ Rural Route 25301 ].
near Charleston, West Virginia.
Zip code exempt, without the UNITED STATES.
ALL Rates summarized: Each 2 sheets of paper weigh 1/2 ounce. If mailing more than that, then add 2 ˘ per each additional 1/2 ounce.
I fold one sheet with the address on it, and use it as my envelop. So I can send 3 faces on 2 sheet for a single 2˘ postage rate.
1 ˘ per 1/2 ounce for a letter from the same city to the same city. 1˘ for postcard up to 1,500 miles or from W. Va. to the Mississippi River,
2 ˘ for postcard or 1/2 ounce letter each anywhere within the united States of America (& Alaska & Hawaii.)
I put a period at the end of each line of type (so that someone else may not amend our addresses by adding words to our phrases.
Put your return post location on top left. Put 2 ˘ per 1/2 ounce postage on top right.
Frank Doe.
Put the out going post location in center or right side of envelope.
John Doe.
1st Class Statutory
Rate; Non DomesticI think 2 ˘ per 1/2 ounce postage for letters or post cards works both:
- inside Post Office (US Drop letter box) and also at - street blue USPS drop boxes.
1967 law says: 6 ˘ per 1/2 ounce to mail thru the USPS.
- - - - - Click for a brief answer to this whole discussion. - - - - -
Sample Envelop
c/o 569 Whitman Avenue, General Post-office.
[ Rural Route 25301 ].
near Charleston, West Virginia Republic.
without the UNITED STATES, zip exempt.
18 U.S. Code § 1701: [Don't] Obstruction of mails generally...
First Class U.S. Mail, Fully Pre-Paid.
12 Stat. at Large Ch.71,Sec 23, 2 ˘/ half oz.
36 Cong. Ses. I, Ch.11, Sec.2, Postcard in uSA
or drop letter within city under Post Office 1˘.
Federal Offense to collect addnl. postage.
18 U.S.C. 1726 [DMM 602 1.3e (2)].
Private Property - No Trespassing.
Privileged, Confidential.
Open by Addresses Only !
Declared value: 1/4 ounce 99% silver.
< - - Slit Edge to Open.
To: Hamburger Heaven.
John Doe.
General Post-office.
c/o 2 Maple Street - Suite 3.
[ Rural Route 25701 ].
Near. Huntington, West Virginia Republic
without the UNITED STATES, zip exempt.
With a word processor, you can make a master template like above, and print them with or without the final address on to 8x11" paper,
then fold it 3 times around what ever papers or content you want to mail.
Make one master with all your info., then copy it and on individual copies, put the name/ address of to whom you will mail.
You could hand write a master and then make copies as you need.
Since I have sent many letters, (and taught local postmen what I do is lawful,
I no longer have to put all these words. The post men recognize me and my mail.
I might put only this on an envelop - an out going mail location without even a return address.
Simple hand addressed letter sample that NOW works for me:
32 Main Street
Charleston, W. Va.
I might add:
zip exempt, or without the UNITED STATES
For myself: I use mail locations, not resident addresses.
I am not a citizen of the UNITED STATES Corp, so I do not have a resident address,
which would make me subject to the UNITED STATES 64 million codes.
John Doe 2 ˘ postage per 1/2 oz.
c/o 123 Main Street
Chicago, Illinois
The blue wording is optional:
1st Class Statutory Rate; Non Domestic
12 Stat. pg 705 (1863).
= 2 ˘ per 1/2 ounce (1863)
Sam Smith
c/o 345 First Street
Menlo Park, California [RR 94304]
It is ok to leave off the zip code, maybe better, but
if I put it in brackets and use RR Rural Route abbrev, that works OK
I think it's OK to use the name in brackets: [John Doe]
Words in square brackets are considered removed -
The words may be used for reference, but are not of legal bearing.
I am learning I can mail 1/2 oz. letters within my own city for just 1 ˘ / ounce, and
Postcards 1/2 way across the nation, to the Mississippi River 1500 mile) for just 1 ˘ / post card.
2 ˘ for post cards more then 1,500 miles
I send 2 ˘ mail, based on this Statue at Large:
12 Stat. Ch. 71 Sec. 23 .. pg 705 That the rate of postage on all letters not transmitted through the mails of the United States, but delivered through the post-office or its carriers, commonly described as local or drop letters, and not exceeding one half ounce in weight, shall be uniform at two cents, and an additional rate for each half ounce or fraction thereof of additional weight, to be in all cases prepaid by postage stamps affixed to the envelope of such letters, but no extra postage or carrier's fee shall hereafter be charged or collected upon letters delivered by carriers, not upon letters collected by them for mailing or for delivery.
1st Class Statutory
Rate; Non Domestic37th Congress Session III Book 12 Stat Ch 71, Sec 23; 1863
- - -
12 Stat. at Large An Act ... relating to ... Post-Office Department.
Ch. 71, Sec. 23 ... the ... postage on all letters ... delivered through the post-office ... commonly described as local or drop letters, and not exceeding 1/2 ounce ..., shall be ... two cents, ... no extra postage or ... fee shall ... be charged or collected upon letters delivered by carriers, [or] ... collected by them for mailing ...
- - - US Constitution provides: Section 8 - Powers of Congress To establish Post Offices.
Only Congress has power to set rates, established above. The private US Postal Service cannot change rate set by congress.I found this in US Statues at Large as graphic image of that page
Found at
Type in the page number 705Here are words I no longer use on the top left of the outgoing mail.
§ 1692 - Treat as US mail.
§ 1701 - Don't Obstruct mail.
zip code exempt [DMM 602 1.23 (2)]
1967 Public Law 90-206 - 39 USC § 4253 (a)
6 ˘ per ounce 1st class mail postage rate 74 Stat.664
Public Law 90-206-Dec. 16, 1967
Federal Offense to collect addnl. postage.
18 U.S.C. 1726 [DMM 602 1.2e (2)].Non-resident, Non-Domestic
First Class, U.S. Delivery
I use to put this above or below the outgoing address:
zip code exempt, non domestic.
Other statues say you can mail a post card up to 1,500 miles for 1 ˘
either from east coast to the Mississippi River or from the Mississippi to the West Coast, for 1 ˘.Post cards for 2 ˘ otherwise across the whole country. uSA & Hawaii & Alaska.
You can mail a letter within your own city for 1 ˘ per each 1/2 ounce.
A letter across the country for 2 ˘ per 1/2 ounce, and world wide for 3 ˘ per half ounce.
"The (US) Code is only prima facie evidence of the laws of the United States. 1 U.S.C. § 204.
(a). Where an inconsistency between the United States Code and the Statutes at Large appears, the Statutes at Large prevail over the Code. Stephan v. United States, 319 U.S. 423,426,63 S.Ct. 1135, 87 L.Ed. 1490 (1943)". Peart v. Motor Vessell Bering Explorer, 373 F.Supp. 927, at 928 (April 12, 1974)..
- - -
"[1] It is well settled that the (US) Code cannot prevail over the Statutes at Large, when the two are inconsistent. " Stephan v. United States, 319 U.S. 423,63 S.Ct. 1135,1137,80 L.Ed. 1490; Royer's Inc. v. United States, 3 Cir., 265 F.2d 615. The provisions of the Code are merely prima facie evidence of the law. 1 U.S.C. § 204.
(a). American Export Lines Inc. v. United States, 290 F.2d 925, at 929 (July 19, 1961).
Older news and experience below
This information is from my study and my experiments. I offer no guarantee to your results -
but test it - you'll be surprised - the world is different then most people tell you.
I mailed many successfully letters for 3 ˘, then some came back.
I think by slow and persistent use of this low postage mailing & address format, I taught many of the postmen in our county that this is true, viable, lawful.
I may get 2 % of what I mail returned - some marked postage due. Not all postmen yet know this is true, current, viable rate.
Start doing this in small quantities dropped in various drop boxes.
Do not expect immediate success.
Don't mail valuable things in the beginning.
You too have to awaken the postmen and the people in your world as I am doing in my world.
Yes, I sent 1,000s of 3 ˘ postage mail, the rate set by the US Congress before they dissolved to never reconvene (about 1860s- Civil War).
3 ˘ is for government mail per 1/2 ounce, 2 ˘ is for mails NOT thru the UNITED STATES (not government mail), like to Ohio, Maine, Virginia.
Then I mailed via 6 ˘ postage mail, this rate was established by the current US Congress assembled.
The Congress gave the Post Office Department function over to the private US Postal Service (a corporation),
who sets their own services and rates like; Priority Mail, Certified Mail, Express Mail, Registered Mail, etc.
But I believe the USPS still has to honor the established rates for mail traveling
within the united States of America,
which is without the U.S. (corporation).
This is a different rate then mail that travels thru any part of the UNITED STATES territory (WV, OH, CA, NY, ...).
UNITED STATES (is a private corporation that) governs Washington DC and any federal area designated by
a 2 letter (state) abbreviation (WV, OH, CA, NY, ...), and or a zip code (and or all capital terms, like name, city, etc).
A 2 letter abbreviation is NOT a sovereign state. It is a federal territory, which you may volunteer to accept. It is NOT mandatory that you accept it.
Here is how they say this in their law: "not transmitted through the mails of the United States, but delivered through the post-office"
Read Federal Zone by Paul Andre Mitchell of Supreme Law, Sacramento, Calif and or California
to understand that wherever you are in continental united States,
you can be a sovereign state or in federal zone by the way mail is addressed and if you accept it..
I read extensively, but rather then ask the US Postal Service, who is private and works for profit,
I just send mail and see what happens. I learn much more from experiments
then I could learn from people who are paid not to know the truth.
You can type Name in any form: John Doe or :john-fred: doe
Sample envelop: Top of Page - - -- ^ Below is old format that I used:
This is older form I use to use.
fred of johnson © family, sui juris affix 6 ˘ or more
care of 123 Fairway Road of postage
Kansas City, Kansas Republic per ea. ounce
Non-Domestic, without the U.S.
1967 Public Law 90-206 - 39 USC § 4253 (a)
6 ˘ per ounce 1st class mail postage rate 74 Stat.664
Without Prejudice, UCC 1-308
Non-resident/ Non-Domestic
First Class, U.S. Delivery
John Doe.
care of 111 Autumn Road.
[ Rural Route 90565 ].
Dallas, Texas Republic.
If you use zip, put in brackets, you can add the words or abbreviations: RR = Rural Route.
This was older format. See higher on this page for current format I use.
All items above in blue are my suggestion, possibly not required.
Postage Rate 6 cents per ounce
Postage rates are set by U.S. law, voted on by the US Congress. U.S. laws are codified in the United States Code (USC). Title 39 of the USC pertains to the Postal Service, with Chapter 59 addressing First-Class Mail. Section 4253 of this chapter specifies postage rates on first-class mail. When the Statues at large conflict with the US Code, the Statues at Large govern.
The following is a copy of Title 39, USC, Chapter 59, Section 4253 (a).
§ 4253. Postage rates on first-class mail
(a) Postage on first-class mail is computed separately on each letter or piece of mail. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the rate of postage on first-class mail weighing thirteen ounces or less is 6 cents for each ounce or fraction of an ounce.
(bold added for emphasis only)
As you can see, the law states that, "....postage on first-class mail .... is 6 cents for each ounce or fraction of an ounce." And Section 4253 of Title 39 has not been revised by the Congress since the postage went from 5 cents to 6 cents. It has not been amended, rescinded or superseded . . . by LAW!
The use of 39 USC §4253, directly under the stamp, is to refer any postal worker who questions the postage, to the Title and Section of the law pertaining to the piece of mail they are handling.
The mail MUST be delivered!
1967 mail rates 6 ˘ per ounce:
- - - -
Notes below are what I knew and did before. They also link to more pages of information.
I've sent 14,200+ letters to people all over the united States for 2, 3 or 6˘ postage.
Perhaps you can too. Follow my links to know why this works.
You can also step outside of income tax and US laws this way.
One definition of the United States is a municipal, federal corporation having control & jurisdiction over
the 10 mile square around Washington, DC, & territories they acquired like: Puerto Rico and Guam.
The 50 sovereign States of the united States are separate and outside
of the laws, rules, control of the United States gov. (a corporation). Search United States is a corporation.
Below is what I started doing, but NOW I include any abbreviations but NEVER a 2 letter state territory like CA, OH, MA, FL.
To Mail letters for 3 ˘ postage mail:
In both the out going address and the return address:
AVOID any of these abbreviations to avoid their 50 cent rate.
(The USPO copyrighted & published all those abbreviations. Using them puts you in their jurisdiction.)
Avoid all these:
- zip code, - 2 letter state abbreviations; WV, OH, CA. NY
- any abbreviation: Rd Ct Plc Rt Dr. Mr. Univ., ...
(Since 2019 I think you can now use abbreviations but NOT 2 letter states: WV, OH, CA.
Address letters from and to living people, not to occupant, resident, or just a business.
You can send letters with just # street City, States It is not necessary to include a name.
The Post Office existed long before the US Constitution and US gov.
The US Postal Service is relatively new, 1971 ?
They offer benefits and privileges; priority mail, parcel post, certified mail, express mail, media mail, etc.
They have high postage rates.
Mail letters through the US Post Office by mailing them in the letter drop inside the USPO building.
Their rate is 2 ˘ per 1/2 ounce as per the law (Statues at Large).
I put the law on the envelope (see below).
Sample mailing (red words are optional) More info here
1st Sample at top of page is newest and best format - Try it !
These samples below were old formats I once used.
fred of johnson © family affix
Without Prejudice, UCC 1-308 3 ˘ postage
Non-resident/ Non-Domestic or more cents
First Class, U.S. Delivery
care of 123 Fairway Road
Kansas City, Kansas state
John Doe
Without Prejudice, UCC 1-308
Non-resident/ Non-Domestic
First Class, U.S. Delivery
care of 111 Autumn Road
Dallas, Texas state
fred of johnson © family affix
care of 123 Fairway Road 3 ˘ postage
Kansas City [non domestic] or more cents
Kansas [zip exempt]
Statutory Non-Domestic rate
First Class U.S. Mail Fully Pre-Paid
12 Stat. at Law, Ch 71, Sec 23
Federal Offense to collect addnl. postage
zip code exempt [DMM 602 1.3e (2)]
18 U.S.C. 1726 [“without United States”]
John Doe
care of 111 Autumn Road
Dallas [non domestic]
Texas [zip exempt]
see also 2 cent mail postage rates - law
At Post Office, buy 1 ˘ , 2 ˘ , 3 ˘ , 4 ˘ , 5 ˘ and 10 ˘ postage stamps as well as 33˘, forever 55˘, and others.
Note stamps valued 10 ˘ or less cents have ˘ mark. Higher denominations don't have ˘ mark.
The old Fox One dollar stamp had $ mark.
I once did this but no more: drop the letters inside the US Post Office building, in the drop letter slot -
Do not give mail to the US PS worker at the counter nor put outside in blue USPS mail boxes.
They are clearly marked with the USPS logo.
I currently mail at any post office drop box, not only in the USPO Buildings, but in blue boxes on the street.
Click to Learn more of mail, etc. here. Learn more at
Learn US is just a corporation, all involvement with them is voluntary from my web site below or just Google™ it.
How you get and accept mail, affects your lawful status.
I do not accept any mail that has a 2 letter state or zip codes in address
as that can be construed to mean I volunteer to be under federal jurisdiction.
I return mail that has zip code or 2 letter state or a name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.
See RETURN CLAIMS on bottom of left column.
Perhaps you can accept such mail from a friend,
but on any legal matters, or billing, if you get mail with 2 letter state, zip code, or even your name in ALL CAPITAL letters
and you DO NOT RETURN that mail, then you have accepted that YOU are under
the 64 million US Codes, subject to tax, claims, and other things that only affect citizens of the UNITED STATES (the corporation).
Otherwise, return any thing you do get within 3 days (or 10 days - UCC 2-201 ?) That cancels their offer to contract with you.
If they mail or serve (service processor or sheriff) again, just return it again, until they finally quit.
All actions in law can only lawfully start with a sworn and signed affidavit of an injured party stating how, when & where you injured them. No warrant for arrest, search or other is valid unless signed by a judge, stamped by a court and accompanied with the affidavit of an injured party. (This is what I think, YOU study to know the law.)
What is presented in writing and not objected to (within 10 days) stands as truth in law and commerce.
A problem with this method, I think, is that many Postal Workers do not know of this rate and that this is lawful,
So anyone at any time can grab your mail and mark it postage due 53 ˘. Then send it forward or return to you.
Even when they are so marked, they usually arrive without bothering to wait and collect the 53 ˘.
Search Internet for "Federal Zone" to read the legal research from Paul Andre Mitchell of Supreme Law who shows the connection between mailing address and volunteering and submitting to federal jurisdiction, by accepting mail with a zip code on it and not returning that mail.
I state this from my research and experience. Result may vary. I make no guarantees.
I tried many different methods to achieve much better results.
Do your own research to find, learn, confirm.
Testing is the best way to prove and know. At 2 ˘ per test, you do not have much cost or risk.
I did get a letter once from the USPS inspector who told me to stop.
I just wrote back to him 5+ years ago and told him I was outside his jurisdiction.
He has never contacted me since. Most government. agencies, which are really just private corporations, bluff, bluff, bluff.
The more you know, the more rights, freedom, wealth and health you can have.
I mail 2 ˘ letters to people to wake them up.
United States has at least 2 meanings, just Wash. DC & territories (in law)
and the continental united States of America (to the layman).
What you learn on postal addresses applies to all US law, taxes, fines, courts, etc.
Learning can change your future and prosperity.
I think we all should send notes, encouragement, cheer, humor to the home bound, sick, friends, business, etc.
Since it does not cost much, perhaps more will do this. I've been mailing 100s of letters/ post cards weekly for years.
I think this connects me to other people in a personal way.
When you understand mail, you begin to understand law/ jurisdiction/ liberty & freedom.
Back to Truth Seekers - - - - ^